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Goddess Isis

Goddess Isis name

Goddess Isis
Goddess Isis was Egyptian goddess. In root she was possibly the prosopopoeia of the throne, considered as a (female) deity; and she admits on her head the  determinant  of  the  seat  of  agency. The  myth  tells  how  she  sought  out  her good brother and husband Osiris from whom  she  got  the child Horus; she forgot him and mourned him unitedly with her sister Nephthys. When, later, every dead person came to be discovered with Osiris, she became protector of the dead.  As  she  who  is  rich  in  spells (Urthekau)  she  was  accepted  into  the world  of  magic  and  sorcery.  From the Middle Kingdom forwards, her solar aspect  is  displayed  in  her  epithet  eye of Ra.

Beside that, Isis was the queen of Sirius, and Greek sources (e.g. Plutarch) represented her as a moon goddess. In the Hellenistic period, Isis got frequenter of sea-farers,  and  was  given  a  rudder  as property. She was, with very few exclusions, portrayed in human shape; the cows horns and the sun disc she bears on her head she owes to her concretion with the figure of Hathor.

The Roles of Goddess Isis: