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Isis and Nephthys

Goddess Isis and her sister Nephthys mourned  the  death  of  Osiris, and while they shown their grief, the sisters cautiously made the body of Osiris for divine mummification.  As  protectors  of  Osiris,  they  became  the protectors  of  all  mummies.  Their  images  look  on coffins  and  on  canopic jar  boxes,  where  they  guard the mummified variety meats of the passed. Sometimes the sisters are represented as hucksters wearing their respective symbols on their heads: 8 Isis and 3 Nephthys, their  extended  wings  protecting  the  broken. In the Book of the Dead, Isis and Nephthys  come along with the sun God Ra when he checks for his annual  journey through the Netherworld.