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Goddess Satet

Goddess Satet name

Goddess Satet
Goddess Satet  was  an  Egyptian  goddess  acclaimed  as the Mistress of the Elephantine. Primitively a goddess of  the  hunting,  Satet  gone  patroness  of  the  Nile  Rivers inundations and was connected with the first cataract of the  Nile,  south  of Aswan. Senusret III (1878-1841 B.C.E.) built a canal in her observe. Satet's cult  dates  to  c.  2900  B.C.E. on  Elephantine Island. Her temple come out as a rock ecological niche there, accepting magnificence  over  the  centuries.  Also  addressed  (She  Who Runs  Like  an  Arrow),  Satet  was  a  associate  of  the God Khnum and the mother of Anukis. She was revered as the  patronne  of  the  southern  frontier,  the  one  who broken the life-giving waters of the Nile. Upper Egypt was sometimes addressed Ta-Satet, the Land of Satet.

Likewise associated with protective the Egyptians in war, Satet  held  arrows  to  slay  the  countries  enemies. The pyramid texts list her as the purificator of the gone, and her name was discovered in the Saqqara necropolis. She was  described  as  a  woman  enduring  the  white  crown  of Upper Egypt and carrying a bow and arrows or an ankh. In  some  pictures,  the  white  crown  on  her  head  had antelope  horns  extending  on  either  position.  She  was  also shown heavy the vulture headdress, ordinarily held to  queens  who  had  given  birth  to  successors.  Satet's particular home  was  Sehel Island.  She  may  to begin with  have  been  a Nubian goddess.