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Goddess Seshat

Goddess Seshat name
Goddess Seshat
Her  emblem  which  emanates  from a headband  is  obscure:  a  seven-pointed star or little potato above which is a bow-like symbol.  She  tires  a  long  panther-skin robe. As early as Dynasty II she helps the monarch Khasekhemwy in  pound boundary  celestial poles  into  the  ground  for the ceremonial  of  stretching  the  cord. This is a serious part of a temple foundation  ritual  involving  measure  out  its ground plan.

In the Old Kingdom Seshat  has  the responsibility of registering herds of cattle, sheep, goats and donkeys attached as swag by King Sahura (Dynasty V) from Libyan federations of tribes.  This  scene  at  Abusir  becomes a epitome, since we find Seshat showing names and tribute of foreign prisoners in the temple of Senwosret I twelfth Dynasty at el-Lisht.

In New Kingdom temples such as Karnak or Abydos Seshat records the royal jubilees. She holds a jagged palm offset (the sign for years) which terminates in a tadpole (the number 100000) sitting  on  the  symbol  for  eternity. It is by this  incalculably wide  number  that one must  breed  the  jubilee  festivals represented  by  the  ritual  pavilions  dependent on the tip of the branch, to give the number to be divine by the sovereign whose  name  she  commemorates  on  the allows of the persea tree  an infinity of kingship.