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Manetho's King List

Manetho's King List is assembled record of Egyptian kings compiled by Manetho, a historian of Sebennytos who written  during  the  rule  of King Ptolemy I Soter (304-284 B.C.E.) and King Ptolemy II Philadlphus (285-246 B.C.E.). Manetho's King List can be found in the Chronography of George Monk and the Syncellus of Tarasus, patriarch of  Constantinople City,  who  lived  in  the  eighth  century. The oldest rendering is in the Chronicle of Africanus, a Libyan historian  of  the  3rd  century  C.E. This  work,  in  turn, got part of the Eusebius writing  "Chronicle of Eusebius", [Eusebius of Caesarea, (264-340 C.E)].