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The Sixth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt

During this prevail, Wenia man of base originrose to get a judge, and his dedication from Abydos provides inside information of the events of his career: as jurist, he heard in interior the cases of conspiracy that had taken place in the royal harem, one of which concerned a queen of Pepy I. He also mentions his role in dealing with the incursions by the Beduin on Egypt's north-eastern frontier, indicating that pressures were already developing in that area. Later, such harrassment would contribute to the downfall of the Old Kingdom.

King Pepy I constructed a pyramid complex a lean distance from Saqqara and in spite of the temple has not been located, the pyramid is important because here, in 1881, Maspero first discovered the show that the private walls of the pyramids of the later Old Kingdom were engraved with the Pyramid Texts. These religious spells, which occur in several pyramids, represent the earliest noted body of divine and magical texts from ancient Egypt. Other major construction activities of the reign taken  the  kings  bema  at  Bubastis  in  the  Delta;  also  during  his  reign junkets were sent to Nubia and Sinai. Towards the end of his reign, it is possible that the king related his elder son Merenre with him on the throne, providing an early example of co-regency.

Pharaohs of the 6th Dynasty: