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Merenre I (Nemtyemzaf) (2283-2278)

Cartouche of Merenre I (Nemtyemzaf)
King Merenre I dominated from 2255 B.C.E. until his death. Merenr was the son of King Pepi I and Ankhnesmery-Re. His wife was Queen Neith or Nit, who married King Pepi II, and his daughter was Ipwet. Merenr I dominated only nine years, and he built a pyramid in Saqqara but never gone the site. Merenre I also employed the mines of Sinai, the quarries of Nubia (modern The state of Sudan), and the mines of Aswan and Hatnub, and  he  visited  Elephantine Island  at  Aswan, appointing  a  governor  for  the  area.  He  protected  as well the serves of General Weni, who had been an official in the dominate of Pepi I.

The Egyptians found the River Nile set to the third cataract during Merenr Is reign. He cut 5 canals at the cataracts of the River Nile and accredited the local Nubians (modern Sudanese) to progress ships for him out of lumbers. A copper statue of Merenr I and Pepi I was discovered in Hierakonpolis. A  dried up  body  was  discovered  at Saqqara, but it was belike not his remains but evidence of  a  later  sepulture.  He  was  brought home the bacon  by  his  half  brother, Pepi II.