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Pyramid of Queen Nebwenet

Eastside of the six pyramids, she was likely a consort of Pepi I. There may be new pyramid farther east. There is small left of this pyramid, but it does contain a gentle mortuary temple Mortuary temple on the east wall, the incoming based in a snall antechamber to the north. The offering hall contained a false door. It was constructed of limestone.

Incoming is in the north courtyard under a mudbrick chapel contining alone a fragment of an altar. The incoming lead to a small descending cooridor which expanded to a chamber, blocked by a simple barrier Burying chamber is jut south of the veritcal axis of rotation of the pyramid, oriented east-west. No dedications on the walls. No mummy, but a gold granite sarcophagus was found.  A serdab to the east contains wooden winding weights, wooden ostrich plumages and other funerary items