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Nephthys and Saving Sister of Osiris

Goddess Nephthys plays an great role in the Osirian myth-cycle. It  is  Nephthys  who  helps  Isis  in  gathering  and  mourning  the discerp  portions  of  the  body  of  Osiris,  afterwards  his  murder  by  the jealous  Set.  Nephthys  also  serves  as  the  nursemaid  and  watchful defender  of  the  infant  Horus.  The  Pyramid Texts  bring up  to  Isis  as  the "birth-mother"  and  to  Nephthys  as  the  "nursing-mother"  of  Horus. Nephthys was attested as one of the four "Great Chiefs" ruling in the Osirian cult-center of Busiris, in the Delta and she comes out to have concerned an honorary view at the hallowed city of Abydos. No craze is certified for her there, though she certainly laced as a goddess of great importance in the annual rites taken, wherein two chose females or priestesses played the purposes of Isis and Nephthys and performed the certain  'Lamentations of Isis and Nephthys'.  There,  at  Abydos, Nephthys  linked  Isis  as  a  mourner  in  the  shrine  known  as  the Osireion. These "Festival Songs of Isis and Nephthys" were ritual elements  of  many  such  Osirian  rites  in  senior  ancient  Egyptian cult-centers.

Nephthys, as a mortuary goddess (along with Isis, Neith, and Serket), was one of the protectresses of the Canopic jars of the Hapi. God Hapi, one of  the  Sons  of  Horus,  guarded  the  embalmed  lungs.  Thus  we  find Nephthys invested with the name, "Nephthys of the Bed of Life," in  direct  source  to  her  regenerative  precedencies  on  the  embalming table. In the city of Memphis, Nephthys was punctually respected with the title "Queen  of  the  Embalmer's  Shop,"  and  there  related  with  the jackal-headed God Anubis as patron.

Nephthys  was  likewise  taken  a  festive  deity  whose  rites  could mandatory  the  liberal  consumption  of  beer.  In  distinct  reliefs  at  Edfu, Dendera,  and  Behbeit,  Nephthys  is  showed  receiving  lavish beer-offerings from the Pharaoh, which she would "return", using her power  as  a  beer-goddess  "that the pharaoh may  have  joy  with  no hangover." Elsewhere at Edfu, for instance, Nephthys is a goddess who applies the Pharaoh power to see "that which is covered by moonlight." This fits well with more frequent textual roots that view Nephthys to be a goddess whose unique area was darkness, or the perilous boundaries of the desert. Nephthys could also seem as one of the goddesses who assists at childbearing. One ancient Egyptian myth continued in the Papyrus Westcar recounts the tale of Isis, Nephthys, Meskhenet, and Heqet as traveling social dancers in disguise, assisting the wife of a priest of Amun-Ra as she sets to bring forth sons who are certain for fame and fortune. Nephthys's  preventive  sciences  and  status  as  direct  twin  of  Isis,  steeped,  as  her  sister  in  "words  of  power,"  are evidenced by the abundance of faience amulets carved in her likeness, and by her mien in a variety of magical papyri that sought to summon her famously altruistic characters to the aid of mortals.