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Worship of Nephthys in the New Kingdom

The Ramesside Pharaohs were  particularly  devoted  to Set's prerogatives and, in the 19th Dynasty, a temple of Nephthys named the "House of Nephthys of Ramses-Meriamun" was built or refurbished in the town of Sepermeru, center between Oxyrhynchos and Herakleopolis, on the outskirts of the Faiyum and quite near to the modern situation of Deshasheh. Here, as Papyrus Wilbour bills in its wealth of revenue enhancement records and land appraisals, the temple of Nephthys was a special cornerstone by Ramses II, set in close proximity to (or within) the precinct of the envelopment of Set. To be particular, the House of Nephthys was one of fifty individual, land-owning temples drawn for  this  portion  of  the  Middle  Egyptian  district  in  Papyrus  Wilbour. The  fields  and  other  holdings  belonging  Nephthys's temple were under the office of two Nephthys-prophets (named Penpmer) and one (named) wa'ab priest of the goddess.

Winged picture of Nephthys from the tomb of Seti I (New Kingdom)

While  certainly  affiliated  with  the  House  of  God Set,  the  Nephthys  temple  at  Sepermeru  and  its  spread  lands (different lands) clearly were under organization distinct from the Set innovation. The Nephthys temple was a special establishment in its hold right, an sovereign entity. According to Papyrus Wilbour, another "House of Goddess Nephthys  of  Ramses-Meriamun"  seems  to  have  existed to  the  northwest,  in  the  town  of  Su,  shorter  to  the  Faiyum region.

Otherwise  temple  of  Nephthys  seems  to  have  was  in  the  town  of  Punodjem.  The  Papyrus  Bologna  tapes  a complaint charged by a seer of the temple of Set in that town seeing undue taxation in his regard. After making an first appeal to "Re-Horakhte, Set, and Goddess Nephthys" for the last resolution of this issue by the royal Vizier, the prophet lamentations his workload. He notes his obvious government of the "House of God Set" and adds: "I am also responsible for the ship, and I am motor similarly for the House of Nephthys, along with a pile of other temples."

Equally  "Nephthys  of  Ramses-Meriamun,"  the  goddess  and  her  shrines  were  under  the  certain  second  of Ramses II. The innovations of the Set and Nephthys temples at Sepermeru at long last were discovered and named in the 1980, and the Nephthys temple was a individual temple complex inside the Set enclosure.