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Osiris Ceremonies

Osiris  ceremonies These were the sacred celebrations held  passim Egypt  to  honor  the  God Osiris,  peculiarly in the cult center of Abydos. The seasonal cycles of life were mirrored in these feasts, as nature was embodied in the death and resurrection of the god. The annual mysteries of Osiris and Isis, a form of passion play, was the most favorite observance. A ceremony held in November,  checking  to  the  modern  calendar,  was  fashioned  to Behold the Beauty of the Lord. This was observed on the 17th to the 20th of Athyr (November 1417) and was now and then Egypt's most well served honoring.

Another  celebrate called  the  Fall  of  the Nile, discovered the losing waters of the rivers and was a time of  mourning  for  Osiris.  The  Nile  described  Osiris content to renew the earth and regenerate life to the nation. In  modern  May,  on  the  19th  of  Pakhons,  the  Egyptians established to the river with small enshrines containing metal (sometimes  gold)  vessels. They  poured  water  into  the River Nile,  calling: Osiris  Is  Found.  Other  shrines  were cast  afloat  into  the  Nile.  Mud  and  spices  were  likewise molded into figures to honor Osiriss take.

This celebrate was similar to the Night of the Tear in modern  June. The  fete  rewarding  an  Osirian  symbol, the  djed or  djet column,  was  held  on  the  modern  January 19. The pillars were disturbed to welcome Osiris and the coming harvesting. The pharaoh and his court took part in this fete. The queens and their retinues spilled hymns for the function.