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Temple of Osiris at Abydos

The temple of Osiris at Abydos
Temple of Osiris was the leading shrine of Osiris in Abydos, now  visited  Kom el-Sultan  by  the  Egyptians. There were some sites of worship dedicated to Osiris in the  Nile  Valley  and  beyond,  but  the  gods  serious  cultic temple was located in Abydos, the city given to him. Only the ramparts of the temple are ready today. A limestone portico set up by King Ramses II (1290-1224 B.C.E.) is likewise evident. The temple, addressed the Osireion in some records, dates to the 3rd Dynasty (2649-2575 B.C.E.) or perchance  earlier.  This  is  older  than  the  Osireion reared by Seti I (1306-1290 B.C.E.).