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Amenemhat IV and Moses

Moses was raised as Egyptian Royalty for the first fourty years of his life. After that, he fled to Midian and quelled there for fourty years. When he was eighty years old, he gave to Egypt to confront a several Pharaoh with the substance that God had given him. Amenemhat IV co-reigned with Amenemhat III for nine years and then dead melted. Sobeknefru, the sister or daughter of Amenemhat III, was childless and seems to have took Amenemhat IV (Moses). As he disappeared, Sobeknefru had to got the Queen (Pharaoh) when her brother or father, Amenemhat III died. She reigned for near 4 years and then she died. There was nobody to inherit the throne when she gone and so the 12th dynasty ended. Egypt became destabilized and a number of pharaohs followed in quick successiveness until Neferhotep of the 13th dynasty. Neferhotep was the Pharaoh when Moses established to Egypt at the age of eighty. Neferhotep and his army, with over 600 chariots, tracked the Israelites when they did not light form a seeing in the desert to worship their God. When they got to the Nuweiba, the Israelites were efficient to cross the Red Sea but when Pharaoh and his army established to follow, they all drowned. Neferhoteps brother had to take through the throne. He did not last long as he was easy pickings for the Hyksos without the Egyptian army and their chariots to serve him.

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