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Sobekneferu (1787-1783)

Hieroglyphic name:
Hieroglyphic name of Sobekneferu

Montuhotep III name: Sobekneferu, Nefru-Sobek, Sebekkar and Neferusobek

Statue of Sobekneferu
Sobekneferu (Nefru-Sobek) (d. 1783  B.C) Last swayer of the Twelfth Dynasty, powerful as a queen pharaoh. She found Egypt from 1787 B.C. until her end. She was a daughter of Amenemhat III and the half sister of King Amenemhat IV. Her name thought the dish of Sobek. Sobekneferu  was  leaned in the Turin canon and in the Saqqara king list. She was  a coregent  with her father  and  married  to her brother, Amenemhat IV. When he went in 1787 B.C.E., she taken the throne, ruling from Itj-tawy, the dynastic great. Sobekneferu finished Amenemhat III's mortuary temple at Hawara and perchance  rested at times during the year at Shedet (Crocodilopolis) in the Faiyum.

Three stupid  statues of her were found at Tel El-daba, and a repository at the second cataract respected her reign. Cylinder seals with her serekh and  statuary fragmentise have likewise been found. Her torso is in the Louvre in Paris. Sobekneferu is believed to have established a pyramid at Mazghuna, near Dashur, but did not use it. She and Amenemhat IV were maybe buried somewhere nearby.

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