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Ba in hieroglyphs
Ba gets the figure
of a bird with a
man head
Ba was the human-headed bird corresponding the soul or the vital effect of human beings, the ba comes along at the moment of join between the Ka and the human body, admitting the mortal clay at death with the ka. The ba can exist in the afterlife only if it remains in close proximity to the ka, whose servant it comes out to be at that time. The ba was earlier written with the symbol of the Nile Jabiru bird and was thought to be an ascribe of the god king. The symbolisation for the ba was then varied to that of a human-headed huckster.

The  translation  of  the  actual  name  ba is  perchance manifestation, and purportedly it was spoken in words of sad. The severe translation is power. Humans had unique one ba, but the gods had many. The ba was also taken a divine center. In many eras it was listed as the soul of the ka. For human affairs, the ba played the role of moral sense or a conscience. Great deal was taken that  the  ba was  not  led  astray  after  death  by  evil  works,  as  it  appears  to  have  had  mobility.  Rituals  were projected to lead the ba to the ka and the mortal clay of the broken after aimless. When the bas were destined  for  eternal  joy,  they  were  called  the  baiu  menkhu. When  damned  matching  to  the  Egyptian  moral  ciphers, they  were  termed  baiu  mitu. The  ba was  also  ready with spiritual weapons, such as spells and amulets, and was then termed the baapur.

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