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Chap. LXIX. ANOTHER CHAPTER . From the Papyrus of Mes-em-neter

Vignette : This . Chapter is without a vignette both in the Theban and
Saite Recensions of the Book of the Dead .

Text : (I) ANOTHER (2) CHAPTER .
"I am the Fire-god, the divine brother of the Fire-god, and
"[I am] Osiris the brother of Isis . My divine son, together with
"his mother Isis, hath avenged me on mine enemies . (3) My
"enemies have wrought every [kind of] evil, therefore their arms,
"and hands, and feet, have been fettered by reason of their wicked-
ness which they have wrought (4) upon me . I am Osiris, the
"first-born of the divine womb, the first-born of the gods, and
"the heir of my father Osiris-Seb (r) . I am Osiris, the lords of
"the heads (5) that live, mighty of breast and powerful of back,
"with a phallus which goeth to the remotest limits [where] men
"and women [live] . I am Sah (Orion) who travelleth over his
"domain and who journeyeth along before (6) the stars of heaven,
"[which is] the belly of my mother Nut ; she conceived me
"through her love, and she gave birth to me because it was her
"will so to do . I am (7) Anpu (Anubis) on the day of the god
"Sepa. I am the Bull at the head of the meadow . I, even I,
"am Osiris who imprisoned his father together with his mother
"(8) on the day of making the great slaughter ; now, [his] father
"is Seb, and [his] mother is Nut . I am Horus, the first-born of
"Rd of the risings . I am Anpu (Anubis) [on the day of] (9)
"the god Sepa . I, even I, am the lord Tern. I am Osiris . Hail,
"thou divine first-born, who dost enter and dost speak before
"the divine Scribe and Doorkeeper of Osiris, grant that (to) I
"may come . I have become a khu, I have been judged, I have
"become a divine being, I have come, and I have avenged mine
`own body. I have taken up my seat by the divine birth-chamber
"(11) of Osiris, and I have destroyed the sickness and suffering
"which were there . I have become mighty, and I have become
"a divine being by the side of the birth-chamber of Osiris, I am
"brought forth with him, I renew my youth, (12) I renew my
"youth, I take possession of my two thighs which are in the
"place where is Osiris, and I open the mouth of the gods there-
"with, I take my seat by his side, and Thoth cometh forth, (13)
"and [I am] strengthened in heart with thousands of cakes upon
"the altars (14) of my divine father, and with my beasts, and with
"my cattle, and with my red feathered fowl, (15) and with my
"oxen, and with my geese, and with my ducks, for Horus my
"Chieftain, and with the offerings which I make to Thoth, and
"with the sacrifices which I offer up to An-heri-ertaitsa ."

The Source: The Book oDead, the Chapters of Coming Forth by Day
Translated into English by E. A. Wallis Budge, Litt.D., D.Lit
London, 1898.

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