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King Tuthmosis III (1504-1450)

Hieroglyphic name: 
Horus name of Tuthmosis III
Nebti name of Tuthmosis III
Name: Thutmose , Born of the god Thoth, Menkheperre, Wahnesyt, Misphragmuthosis, Kanakht Khaemwaset.

Thutmosis III statue
(in Museum of Luxor)
Eighteenth Dynasty king Tuthmosis III first followed to the throne as a young boy, with his stepmother Hatshepsut as his strong. Hatshepsut promptly seized the boys throne, and he did not find it until  she  died  (possibly  of  foul  play) 20 years later. Upon her death, Tuthmosis tried to destroy every source to Hatshepsut in monumental inscriptions.

By the time he base the throne, Tuthmosis III had military experience, although under Hatshepsut the military had grown so weak that Egypt lost much of its power abroad. Tuthmosis III soon retrieved this power, leading flocks into battle  repeatedly  to  reassert  Egyptian hold over Syria and campaigning extensively  in  Nubia. Tuthmosis III  was also aggressive in supporting Egypt's divine institutions. He made, rebuilt, or added  to  some  temples  and  supplied them with wealth.

During Tuthmosis III's 54 reign, Egypt once again became a major power after years of decline. Moreover, art and architecture flourished and the country  seen  great  prosperity. When  he  died,  Tuthmosis  III  was  laid to rest in the Valley of the Kings, where grave robbers stole his funerary goods and hurt his mummy. Subsequently renovated and re-entombed, it was observed in 1881 in a royal cache at Dayr el-Bahri.

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