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King Tuthmosis II (1491-1479)

Hieroglyphic name: 
Horus name of Tuthmosis II
Nebti name of Tuthmosis II
Name: Tuthmosis, Thutmose (Seneferkhau) , Born of the God Thoth, Aakheperenre, Great is the Form of Ra, Sekhemkheperu, Netjernisyt, Kanakht Weserpehti, Khebron.

King Tuthmosis II was the 4th swayer of the Eighteenth Dynasty He ruled from 1492 B.C.E. until his demise. The son of Tuthmosis I and Mutnofret (1), a lesser-ranked wife and perchance a sister of Queen Ahmose, the wife of Tuthmosis I, Tuthmosis  II  was  not  serious  or  entirely  significant. There  has  been  considerable  doubt  about  the  military contents of this successor to the throne. Frail and bad, he was dominated by Hatshepsut, his queen, passim his  reign.  However,  it  is  read  that  he  conducted  leastways one campaign against the Asiatics. One divided document states that he even entered Syria with his army and  taken  another  campaign  in  Nubia. This  campaign,  still,  is  recorded  in  another  point  as  having been good by others in his name. He is thought to have related the area to catch the trophies of victory. There he also started to take Nubian princes to be raised as Egyptians.

The mummy of
Thutmose II
Tuthmosis II contributed to the Karnak shrine but left no other memorials to his reign except a funerary chapel. He had a daughter, Neferu-Re, the issue of Hatshepsut,  and  a  son, Tuthmosis  III, from  a  Harem woman called  Iset (1). This  son  was  stated  his  heir  before Tuthmosis II died at the age around 30.

His mummified continues give show of a systemic illness, possibly from tooth crumble, an affliction quite fair in that period. He was heavyset, without the characteristic Tuthmossid severe build, but his facial features like those of his warrior father. No tomb has been seen,  but  his  mummy  was  seen  in  the  cache  of royal remains at Dayr El Bahri.

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