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Tomb of Ineni (TT81)

Ineni was a leading official at the getting of Dynasty 18, doing in the prevails of King Amenhotep I, King Thutmose I, King King Thutmose II,  and  King Thutmose  III with  the  style  of  overseer  of  the  garner  of Amun. Son of the try Ineni and the lady Sit-Djehuty. He was in care of making functions at Karnak for the first two rulers and overseen the construction of the royal tomb of King Thutmose I in the Valley of the Kings. He was forgot in a tomb (n. 81) at Thebes, which takes a detailed biographical lettering.

Inside the Tomb of Ineni
Ineni  was  buried in a certain tomb at Khokha on the western shoring of Thebes with  his  wife,  Ahhotep.  This  tomb  taken  paintings and  vivid  backups  of  funerary  rites  and  fair  life. Statues  of  Ineni  and  his  family members are  in  the  tomb.  He  is believed  to  have  died  during  the  rule  of  Tuthmosis III (1479-1425 B.C.E.).

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