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Hieroglyphic name of Ineni
Superintendent of the granary of Amun and an designer of the 18th Dynasty. Ineni served Tuthmosis I (1504-1492 B.C.E.) and continued  in  the  court  finished  the  reign  of  Queen Hatshepsut (1473-1458  B.C.E.).  He  may  have  introduced  function  at  the court of Thebes, in the reign of Amenhotep I (1524-1504 B.C.E.). Ineni was one of the about revered designers of his age, managing various projects at Karnak.

He constructed the original tombs, one heavy, one small, of Tuthmosis I and transported and put up obelisks for that ruler. As overseer of the Granary of Amun, Ineni raised a restrictive wall about the deitys Theban shrine. Pylons were  supplied,  as  well  as  doors  named  of  copper  and  gold. Ineni  also  designed  flagstaffs,  addressed  senut by  the  Egyptians,  at  Karnak.  These  flagstaffs  were  forged  out  of cedar and electrum.

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