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Tomb of Tuthmosis I (KV38)

The entrance of KV38
Found by Loret in 1899. 18th dynasty and belike the first burial of Tuthmosis I, alhtohgh he was later moved to KV20. Yellow quartzite sarcophagus ascribed with his name was found. This may be a newer tomb than KV20, since the architecture was shape by KV34. Probablyk he was first buried with his daughter, Hatshepsut, in KV20 and then went by Tuthmosis III to the newer tomb so that Hatshepsuts could be destroyed.

Catch and stairway lead to a down cirrodr that twists to the left. It
descends finished a crudely cut room and to a extended burial chamber. The burial chamber is determined like a cartouche with a early annex. The ceiling was held bya individual square pullar, although that it gone. The walls were extended with mud plaster over which parts of the Khekher-frieze are still ready. Some inscribed fragment were withdrawn to the museum in 1899. They are in storage. Graffiti alone record that it was spread at the end of the 20th dynasty or beginning of the 21st. The coffins were taken and redecorated for Pinudjem at this time and dead the mummies gone to the cache in Dayr el-Bahri. The mummy in the casket could be Thuthmosis I or Pinudjem.

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