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Tomb of Amenhotep II

Burial chamber with inscriptions
from the book of the deads
The mummy of Amenhotep II was discovered in March 1898 by Victor Loret in his KV35 tomb in the Valley of the Kings within his particular sarcophagus. He had a mortuary temple manufactured at the edge of the refinement in the Theban Necropolis, good to where the Ramseum was later developed, but it was destroyed in ancient times. Amenhotep II's KV35 tomb also shown to bear a mummy hive up containing some New Kingdom Pharaohs including Thutmose IV, Seti II, Ramses III, Ramses IV, and Ramesses VI. They had been re-buried in Amenhotep II's tomb by the 21st Dynasty High Priest of Amun, Pinedjem II, through Siamun's reign, to keep them from tomb thiefs. The most close and harmonious discourse on the chronology, events, and touch of Amenhotep II's rule was published by Peter Der Manuelian, in a 1987 book on this king.

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