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Tomb of Sennofer

Inside the tomb of Sennofer
Mayor of Thebes during the dominate of Amenhotep II, Sennofer developed his tomb on the west bank of the River Nile, on a high direct of the hill of Sheikh Abd-el-Gurna. The burial chamber is remarkable for its about hewn ceiling, an rolling open painted to resemble an arbor with vines and constellates of grapes. Described on a pillar in the tomb, Sennofer's wife Meryt nowadays to her husband a hoop containing a golden collar. The following text describes the gesticulate of her right hand, "making fast the double heart (amulet)," referring to the medal in the shape of two near hearts which hangs from Sennofer's neck. Within the hearts are written the prenomen and nomen of King Amenhotep II.

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