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The hieroglyphic of Aat
The false door of Aat
Aat was a royal woman of the Twelfth Dynasty.  The  ranking  consort  of  Amenemhet III (1844-1797 B.C.E.),  Aat  died  at  the  mature  of  35  without  producing  an heir  and  was  entombed at Dashur, an  area  about  Memphis along with other royal women of Amenemhet III's house have. This pharaoh established a necropolis, or graveyard, at  Dashur, likewise  rearing  a  pyramid that  was  doomed  to become a Cenotaph, or symbolic gravesite, instead of his tomb. The pyramid displayed structural helplessnesses and was abandoned later being named Amenemhet is Beautiful.  Aat  and  gone  royal  women  were  buried  in  secondary  chambers  of  the  pyramid  that  remained intact  by  structural  faults.  Amenemhet  developed another pyramid, Amenemhet Lives, at Hawara in the Faiyum district, the long marsh area in the great part of the nation. He was buried there with Princess Neferuptah, his daughter or sister.

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