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The hieroglyphic of Nakhtmin
Nakhtmin, or Minnakht, held the position of commander in chief during the rule of pharaoh Tutankhamun of the Eighteenth Dynasty of Ancient Egypt. His titles during the rule of Tutankhamun taken "the true servant who is beneficial to his lord, the king's penman," "the handmaid love of his lord," "the Fan-bearer on the right side of the King," and "the servant who gets to live the name of his lord."  These titles were observed on five ushabtis that Nakhtmin provided as funerary shows for pharaoh Tutankhamun.

He was the heir to the throne during the rule of the pharaoh Ay though he never become a pharaoh. It is assumed by scholars that he gone towards the end of the rule of Ay (when he seemingly missing from all records) and Horemheb, the showed heir of Tutankhamun, got pharaoh or else.

The Stella of Nakhtmin
The identity of Nakhtmin's father is not noted with sure thing. Some scholars advise that he may have been the son of pharaoh Ay, his mother being famous from a statue to be the 'Adoratrix of Min, Songstress of Isis' Iuy. She is thought to be Ay's basic married woman, and could hence be the mother of Nefertiti and Mutnodjmet. Nakhtmin seems to have been the chose successor to Ay, but died before he could win. On a fair statue of Nakhtmin and his married woman in the Egyptian Museum in Cairo, Nakhtmin was named as the son-in-law of the king. This claim could be completed as the son of the king of his own body which would have him the son of Ay, or it could be clean as the son of the king of Kush. There is no record of a Viceroy of Kush by the name of Nakhtmin, and it seems that the nobleman Paser I was Viceroy during that time period. This has learned to the recognition of Nakhtmin as Ay's son.

The statue with the dedication has suffered extensive damage. Only two pieces remain, the head and shoulders of Nakhtmin and the upper part of the body and head of his wife. Both statues see as though the eyes, nose and mouth have been advisedly damaged. This has going seen as some form of persecution even afterwards death. His stelaewhich had been set up at his (and Ay's) clean city of Akhmimwere defaced. It is learned that his tomb, which was never identified, has been broken the same discussion as that of Ay. Another man bid Nakhtmin was married to Mutemnub, the sister of Ay's wife Tey. They had a son discovered Ay, who was High Priest of Mut and Second Vaticinator of God Amun.

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