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Agathocles (Court official)

Agathocles  is a court  official  and plotter of the Ptolemaic Period. He got essential in the court in the dominate of Ptolemy V Epiphanes (205-180 B.C.E.). Agathocles engaged forces with a courtier described Sosibius in a palace takeover in Alexandria, the great of Egypt.Ambitious and anxious to control Ptolemy V, who was rather young, Agathocles and Sosibius late the kings mother, Arsinoe (3). Agathocles served as strong for the orphaned king, but he was unable to hold office.

Governor Tlepolemus of the city of Pelusium (near modern Port Said in Egypt) was so sore by the murder of Queen Arsinoe  that  he  marched  on  Alexandria with  his  frontier  army. on the way,  Tlepolemus alleged  his  intentions  to  the Egyptian  people, who left  their  hamlets  to  swell  the  orders  of  his  forces.  An angry  horde  of  Egyptians  thus  presented Agathocles  at  the palace in the capital. He quit on the spot and hurried home to check for a flying out of the city. Ptolemy V was carried to a great arena in Alexandria, surrounded by Tlepolemuss troops. There the Egyptians hooked before the young  king,  relying  their  loyalty. The  governor  then demanded vengeance for the death of Queen  Arsinoe, and Ptolemy V held. A crowd  raced to Agathocles home, where they get him to death on with his full family.

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