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The hieroglyphic name of Khaemhet
Khaemhet was a scribe and overseer of the Eighteenth Dynasty. He  served  Amenhotep III (1391-1353  B.C.E.). Khaemhet  was  a  court  Scribe and  an  overseer  of  the royal garners of Thebes. He was buried in a necropolis on  the  western  shore  at  Thebes.  His tomb  has  fine  low rests  that  depict  Amenhotep III as  a Sphinx. likewise  presented are Osirian funeral rites, scenes of daily life, and court ceremonies.
Substitute of King
Amenhotep III inside
TT57 tomb
Plan of tomb (TT57)
The Tomb of Khaemhet (TT57) is located in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. It makes part of the Theban Necropolis, set on the west bank of the Nile opposite Luxor. The tomb is the inhumation place of the Ancient Egyptian formal, Khaemhat who was Royal Scribe, Overseer of Royal Granaries, during the reign Amenhotep III.

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