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Mastabat Al-Faraun

Location of Mastabat
Al-Faraun to the Giza
PyramidsLocation of Mastabat
Al-Faraun to the Giza
Mastabat Al-Faraun
Mastabat Al-Faraun, or the Mastaba of Shepseskaf, was  Arabic for Seat of the Pharaoh, given to the complex of Pepi I (2289-2255 B.C.E.) at Memphis. nearby, a monument of Shepseskhaf (2472-2467  B.C.E.) stands addressed with Tureh limestone. Pepi Is mortuary temple held an inner shrine of set stone stops on a granite base. He died before extra his valley temple, but the breaks of a causeway remain broad. The tomb is worked in the form of an actual sarcophagus.

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