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Ancient Egyptian Doctors

The ancient Egyptian doctor was called doctor is "swnw". This title has a extended history. The earliest showed physician in the world, Hesy-Ra, practiced in ancient Egypt. He was "Chief of Dentists and Physicians" to King Djoser, who ruled in the 27th century BC. The lady Peseshet (2400 BC) may be the first showed female doctor: she was perchance the mother of Akhethotep, and on a stela gave to her in his tomb she is referred to as imy-r swnwt, which has been translated as "Lady Overseer of the Lady Physicians" (swnwt is the feminine of swnw).

There were numerous ranks and specialities in the field of medicine. Royalty employed their own swnw, even their own specialists. There were examiners of doctors, overseers and chief doctors. knew ancient Egyptian specialists are oculist, gastroenterologist, proctologist, dentist, "doctor who supervises butchers" and an unspecified "inspector of liquids". The ancient Egyptian term for proctologist, neru phuyt, literally translates as "shepherd of the anus". The latter title is already good around 2200 BC by Irynachet.

Institutions, called (Per Ankh) or Houses of Life, are knew to have been showed in ancient Egypt since the 1st Dynasty and may have had medical functions, being at times connected in inscriptions with physicians, such as Peftauawyneit and Wedjahorresnet living in the middle of the 1st millennium BC. By the time of the nineteenth Dynasty their employees loved such benefits as medical insurance, pensions and light lead.

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