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Khenemsu was an official and minelaying leader of the 12th Dynasty He attended Senwosret III (1878-1841 B.C.E.) as the royal treasurer and the leader of the various mining expeditions took in that  era. The utilization of Egypt's natural resources was a essential aspect of Senwosret III's rule. Khenemsu  was in care  of the Sinai territory  and  had  to defend Egypts properties from Bedouin (bedwi) raids while excavation copper and malachite. While inspecting the Wadi Maghara, Khenemsu was accompanied  on  his  tours by Ameniseneb, Sitra,  and  Sebeko,  as well  officials. A Stela erected by a subordinate, Harnakht, confirms the expedition and the unusual manner of travel, by boat. Khenemsu is also listed as Khentikhety-hotep in some records.

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