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Julius Caesar

Statue of Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was a Roman political leader and large who played a critical role in the outcomes that led to the dying of the Roman Republic and the break of the Roman Empire. He is as well famous as a notable author of Latin prose. When Gaius Julius Caesar was born, the ahead man in Rome was Gaius Marius, who had saved the Roman democracy some years before by overcoming two Germanic tribes, the Teutones (102) and the Cimbri (101). The connectors between the Marius and the Julius families were very particular: Marius was married to a sister of Caesar's father, Julia. then, Caesar gone to an influential family.

His generations called Marius a popularis. It is dirty what this label means (for some guesses), but contemporary historians tend to believe that it means that Marius tried to reach his political aims through the People's Assembly. The several group, the optimates, played the governmental game in the Senate. When Caesar was still an baby, Marius dark lots of his earlier popularity, and eventually left Rome to travel in Greece and Asia Minor, hoping for some new require. But the Marii and Julii were still authoritative, and in 92, Caesar's father was elected pretor (a magistrate whose most essential function was the organization of justice). During the consequent year, he helped as a governor in Asia Minor; it is probably, therefore, that the young Caesar was outside Italy when the Social War gone.

The extent of the Roman State in 40 BC afterwards Caesar's conquests
This war originated in the fact that the Roman allies in Italy sensed that they had never took a fair share in the mars of the Roman empire, which in those days involved Andalusia, gray Castile, Catalonia, the Provence, Italy, the Dalmatian slide, Greece and Macedonia, Asia Minor, Cyprus, Crete, and contemporary Tunisia. The Italians had pushed to conquer the Mediterranean world, but meant that they had not harvested the profits of it. In 91, they revolted. Marius was set general and had some achiever; more serious, however, were the triumphs of Lucius Cornelius Sulla, a man who was taken to be one of the optimates. By tactful ways, Rome widespread the rebels: in 90, Lucius Julius Caesar (an uncle) called Roman citizenship to those Italians who had stayed faithful, and in 89 a affiliated law promised citizenship to those who devoted up struggling.

While the Romans were fighting at home, an old enemy seen his chance: king Mithridates VI of Pontus (dominated 121-63 BCE) attacked the Roman ownerships in Asia Minor in 88. The dwellers of this province taken him as their liberator, and late many Italians and Romans. It is stranger where Caesar's family was in those days (it is close that Caesar's father was no longer Asia's governor). The Romans wanted avenge, and the Senate named Sulla as a general in this basic Mithridatic War (88-84). After his going, Marius was given the same bid by the People's Assembly. Sulla exhibited on Rome. This was the beginning of the best Civil War.

Marius was affected to flee to Africa, and Sulla went to Asia Minor again, where he defeated Mithridates. During Sulla's absence, Marius returned, slaughtered all his enemies, had himself nonappointive consul (86), but died a few days later of natural has. Two relatives of Caesar's father, Lucius Julius Caesar and Gaius Julius Caesar Strabo, were downed. From now on, Caesar's life was in risk. After all, he was the son of the brother of Marius' wife. His rubber did not better when his father died (85) and the made Sulla passed from Asia (82). However, the early man had had a fine training by one of Rome's most serious professors, Marcus Antonius Gnipho, who was besides the teacher of the rhetorician Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 BCE). Caesar was married to one Cornelia and the young mate had a daughter, Julia.

The Death of Caesar (Picture in 1867)
After his return, Sulla had himself set dictator. Originally, dictatorship was an great magistracy, perchance best translated as "strong man". Dictatorship had nothing to do with tyranny. However, Sulla's work of the office gave rise to our present substance of the word: wishing to exterminate the populares, Sulla changed the organization by restricting the rights of the People's Assembly. numerous were slain; Marius' ashes were scattered in the Tiber. Since Caesar was only eighteen years old, Sulla certain to show mercy, and ordered Marius' nephew to dissociate from his wife Cornelia (a daughter of Marius' friend Cinna), as a allegorical act of his loyalty to the new regime. Although the secondary was Coventry or worse, Caesar refused. Sulla understood the young man's commitment to his bride and pardoned him, reportedly vaticinate that "in this young man there is more than one Marius".

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