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Nakht II

Men and women from the tomb of Nakht II
Nakht II was a priestly  official  and court astronomer of the Eighteenth Dynasty. He attended Tuthmosis IV (1401-1391 B.C.E.) as a priest-astronomer and as the chief steward of the royal granaries and vineyards. Nakht charted astronomical varieties that related to the agricultural tempers on the Nile. some astronomical ceremonies  were  vital  to  the  inundation preparations  each  year,  as  the  flooding  Nile  inundated entire regions of the valley and moved countless numbers of Egyptians.

His tomb at Sheikh Abdel-qurna in Thebes is identified for  its  paintings,  although  the  Expression  is  small.  Tawi, Nakhts wife, was a chantress in the temple of Amun, and she  widespread  Nakhts  tomb.  The  painting  of  the  Blind Harper gives Nakhts tomb great. Other paintings depict banquets and daily numbers. The eyes of Nakht in such portrayals were scratched out, an bring that the Egyptians  trusted  would  provide  him  blind  in  the  lands beyond  the  grave.  This  vandalism  indicates  Nakhts  come from ability or the front of a essential enemy in the realm.

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