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Kharga Oasis

Kharga Location
Kharga Oasis is a miniature jewel in the libyan desert, called Uakt-rest, the Outer or Southern Oasis, Kharga was as well  part  of  the  Oases Route. placed  some  77  miles southwest of Assiut, Kharga controls temples and towns, accepting Hibis. A temple to Amun was showed there in the reign of Darius I (521-486 B.C.E.) and refurbished in later periods. This temple had an close sacred lake and an boulevard of sphinxes. Other temples were developed in honor  of  IsisMutKhons (2), and  Serapis. Kharga,  the largest of the oases, was a essential trade outpost. With the other havens it served as an agricultural resource, a haven for  runaways,  and  in  some  historical  periods,  a  place  of exile for mortals banned by the pharaoh.
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