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The hieroglyphic
name of Khay
Khay was Vizier, in the latter part of the rule of Ramesses II, during the 19th dynasty. A family stela from Abydos names that Khay was the boy of Hai and Nub-em-niut. Khay's father was supposed to be greatly idolized by the Lord of the Two Lands and a Troop Commander of the goodly god. Khay's mother Nub-em-niut was a chantress of Amun and Lady of the House. Khay's wife is mentioned Yam.

The statue of Khay (Cairo)
Khay grew up as the son of the Troop Commander Hai. A stela from Abydos records that Khay started his career as the First Royal Herald of the Lord of the Two Lands. He was hot with reporting the affairs of Egypt. In year 26 of Ramesses II, Khay was established Vizier. He may have followed Paser in office. After year 40, Khay was in charge of heralding the sed jubilees held by Ramesses II. In West Silsila a stela pronounces that "The Lord of Both Lands, Usermaatre Setepenre, Lord of Crowns, Ramesses II, presented life like Re forever. His Majesty set that the Hereditary Noble and Count, God's Father beloved of the God, Guardian of Nekhen, Prophet of Maat, Judge and Dignitary, City-governor and Vizier, Khay, excused, be pointed to glorify the Jubilee fete in the entire land, passim the South and the North." The previous sed festivals had been declared by the King's Son Khaemwaset and Khay both.

Khay was buried in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, Thebes, where a muck brick pyramid belonging the tomb complex was found by the mission of Universit libre de Bruxelles in 2013. The pyramid would have stood about 15 metres (49 ft) full and was approximately 12 metres (39 ft) wide. The pyramid was crowned with a pyramidion showing Khay before the god Ra-Harakhty.

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