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Khety III

The hieroglyphic
name of Khety III
Khety III was the third ruler of the Ninth Dynasty. The date of his prevail is unknown. Khety III is august as the author of statements for Merikare, a didactic text that was called to his son. The Instructions are valuable for their historical position of the First Intermediate Period (2134-2040 B.C.E.) and for their portrayal of Khety III. He had witnessed the violation made on the city of Thinis by his friends at Assiut and sorely repented the issue.

During the violation a necropolis had been gone and desecrated, on with shrines and temples. The secondary aroused the Theban royal line and set them on a military cause that would destroy the Herakleopolitans. Inyotef II of Thebes was a topical of Khety III, who as well fought  against  attacking  Bedouins  and  Asiatics  passim his prevail.

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