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Altar called a khat by Egyptians, this was a table of offers in temples and tomb chapels, in purpose  from  the earlier eras on the Nile. An altar intentional out of travertine alabaster was taken in the sun temple of Niuserre (2416-2392  B.C.E.) at Abu Ghurob. Tuthmosis III (1479-1425 B.C.E.) shown the great religious complex of Karnak at Thebes with a pink granite altar. The New Kingdom (1550-1070 B.C.E.) altars had got into vast stone  tables  with  ramps  and  steps  that  added  to  their authority. The limestone altar of the god R-Horakhte at Deir El-Bahri, on the western shore of Thebes, had ten steps taking to its dais. The God Aten altars at Amarna were projected with ramps and courtyards. In the Late Period (712-332  B.C.E.),  altars  with  horned  projects  were  used, named of stone or brick cubes with raised trees.

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