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Mehy was an formal of the Nineteenth Dynasty who found the wrath of Ramses II. He  started  his  career  in  the  prevail  of  Seti I (1306-1290 B.C.E.).  Mehy's  rank  and  purpose  stay  a  mystery.  The agents of Ramses II (1290-1224 B.C.E.), the replacement of  Seti I, vandalized  Mehys  eases  in  his  tomb.  Such backups  would  have  provided  details  about  his  service  to the pharaohs. It is obvious that Mehy was a warrior. He was  normally  shown  in  princely  trappings  and seemed on Seti I's war rests. Some of the love songs of the era mention the fact that Mehy was a lower by birth, and  he  was  maybe  a  favorite of Seti I. In either case he gained the enmity of Ramses II and was singled out for eternal discredit by having his tomb portrayals damaged.

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