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List of Egyptians Pharaohs

List of Egyptians Pharaohs, The rulers of ancient Egypt: c. 1725 BC – Sobekhotep IV c. 1695-1685 BC – Ay c. 1615-1595 BC – Nevbererau I c. 1560 BC – Taa (Thebes); first engagement between Thebes and Hyksos kings (Apepi) occurred during his reign
c. 1555 BC - Apepi (Hyksos)
1555-1550 BC – Kamose (Theban) 1550-1525 BC – Ahmose 1525-1504 BC – Amenhotep I 1504-1492 BC – Thutmose I 1492-1479 NC – Thutmose II 1473-1458 BC – Queen Hatshepsut 1479-1425 BC – Thutmose III (some co-regency with Hatshepsut) 1427-1400 BC – Amenhotep II 1400-1390 BC – Thutmose IV 1390-1352 BC – Amenhotep III 1352-1336 BC – Amenhotep IV 1336-1327 BC – Tutankhamun 1327-1323 BC - Ay 1323-1295 BC – Horemheb 1295-1294 BC – Ramses I 1294-1279 BC – Sety I 1279-1213 BC – Ramesses II 1213-1203 BC – Merenptah 1200-1194 BC – Sety II (yes there is a gap) 1194-1188 BC – Saptah 1188-1186 BC – (queen) Tausret – Sety’s principal queen 1186-1184 BC – Sethnakht 1184-1153 BC – Ramesses III – last to send expeditions to Punt 1153-1147 BC – Ramesses IV 1147-1143 BC – Ramesses V 1143-1136 BC – Ramesses VI 1136-1129 BC – Ramesses VII 1129-1126 BC – Ramesses VIII 1126-1108 BC – Ramesses IX 1108-1099 BC – Ramesses X 1099-1069 BC – Ramesses XI 1069-1043 BC – Smendes – power base at new delta city of Tanis 1043-1039 BC - Amenemnisu 1039-991 BC – Psusennes I 984-978 BC – Osorkon the Elder (Libyan) 978-959 BC – Siamun 959-945 – Psusennes II 945-924 BC – Sheshonq I (Libyan) 924-889 BC – Osorkon I (Libyan) 874-850 BC – Osorkon II (“) 850-825 BC – Takelot II (“) 825-773 BC – Sheshonq III (“) 702-690 BC - Shabitqo 690-664 BC – Taharqo (Nubian) 664-656 BC – Tanutamani 664-610 BC – Psamtek I – reunified Egypt (I know there’s an overlap, I don’t know why) 610-595 BC – Nekau II 595-589 BC – Psamtek II 589-570 BC – Apries; revolt of mercenaries at Elephantine during this time 570-526 BC – Ahmose II 526-525 BC – Psamtek III 525-522 BC – Cambyses 522-486 BC – Darius 486-465 BC – Xerxes 424-405 BC – Darius II 405-359 BC – Artaxerxes II 393-380 BC – Hakor 380-362 BC – Nectanebo I 362-360 BC – Teos 360-343 BC – Nectanebo II 343-338 BC – Artaxerxes III 205-180 BC – Ptolemy V Epiphanes reign 1532-1528 BC – Ahmose’s conquest of Avaris 818-793 BC – Pedubastis I – first local ruler to call himself king 746-716 BC – Nubian ruler Piy launches military expedition into Egypt and takes over Thebes (in Aswan) and many towns and cities in northern Upper Egypt
727-720 BC – Tefnakt declares himself king and gains control of western delta and Memphis 672-664 BC – Assyrian records indicate rule of king Nekau I; killed by Nubian King Tanutamani in 664 BC
c. 574-570 BC – Apries makes good use of Egyptian fleet in strategically well-conceived series of campaigns moved to Cyprus and Phoenicia
c. 510-497 BC – Darius completes construction of canal that runs from Pelusiac branch of the Nile thru Adi Tumilat to the Bitter Lakes and the Red Sea 343-342 BC – Artaxerxes III and Persians invade and conquer Egypt’s Nectanebo II (who has 20,000 mercenaries). See ancient egypt List of King's Cartouches

King Khufu

King Thutmose III

King Tut
