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KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI)

KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI) in Valley of the kings: Open as antiquity (though not now) and contains Demotic, Latin, Egyptian, Greek, Coptic and French and English graffito on the walls. Applied as a workshop on the twenty-first dynasty by Pinudjesm to strip the funerary gear from KV20 KV34 and VK38. when moving the mummies. Abidance and stable in the christian period. It was used as storage room by Carter and dining hall while he processed Tut-ankh-amun’s tomb.

Plan of KV4

Absolved in 1979 by John Romber and no evidence of flooding, there's a crack between the columns and roof – believably a result of the dessication of the limestone. An ancient amend was made to the entering, with many glows in place to abide the ceiling. There are big breaks in the upper walls of the corridor and the plaster has accrued.

KV4, The Tomb of Ramesses XI

Close royal tomb to be constructed in the valley of the kings. Differently, not so agitating. Corridor aided by by a steep coming down passage with a 2d and third corridor before the ritual well (unadorned and unfinished). Came after by a pillared hall and a incline to the bare burial chamber. The pillars inside the burial chamber are rectangular, not square and the ceiling is domed.

No roadblocks in the tomb, but many swivel holes for doors. Beam inside the burial chamber (14 x 10 foot) consecutive down besides the usual sarcophagus. Only medallions are on the door between the entrance and first corridor. The first corridor, plastered in yellow, has abstracts only (in red color, so no even out the “corrected” ones).

Pinudjem amended the tomb, and it was accepted he intended to be buried here. Intrusive particulars from his restoration and hiving up were ascertained. Points let in a blue faience vs with the Horus name of Tuthmosis and Ramesses II, gilded gesso from the coffin of Thuthmosis III, funerary statues of Tuthmosis III, breaks up of the coffin of Hatshepsut, and shabtis os Ramesses IV.

Intrusive burials, also, evidenced by the remains of a twenty-second dynasty coffin and bones of 3 bodies. They were ascertained in the beam of the burial chamber. Copts as well occupied the tomb.

- KV17, The Tomb Of Seti I.
- KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb.