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KV9 (Tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI)

KV9 the tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI was acknowledged to the Romans as the tomb of Memnon, and to the initiates of the Napoleonic Expedition as La Tombe de la Metempsychose. The earlier departs of the tomb before E are autographed for Ramesses V, without any decipher of encroachment. A wooden box fragment from the tomb and a possible wooden coffin nog from Davis's work in the Valley are the only funerary aims of king Ramesses V recognized. Everything else found in KV9 was developed for Ramesses VI. Ramesses V appears not only to have started the tomb but to have been entombed here in a bivalent burial with Ramesses VI. The date of Ramesses V's entombment (the place unluckily not specified), in Year two of his heir, is commemorated on an ostracon.

Plan of KV 57

The departs cut during the rules of both kings perhaps deemed a single entirely. The corridors are larger in breadth and height than those of Ramesses IV, but are without the stair-and-ramp conformation found in KV2. The passage H is unequaled in having a horizontal roof aggregated with a aslant floor, since here the stonemasons, abbreviating from top to bottom, had to bead the level to avoid KV12. The burial chamber itself isn't wholly ceased, evident also in the deficiency of any subsidiary rooms (although these are dropped in all succeeding royal graves) except for the abridged denotation beyond the sarcophagus hall.

Though well preserved, the colorized sunk alleviations are stylistically inferior to those of the antecedent 19th Dynasty. The decoration differs from the programme applied since the tomb of Sethos I, revealing the last major developmental modification to occur in the royal valley. A heavy stress is based on astronomical texts and representations. The god Ra inclines greater prominence, in the outer corridors the Book of Gates and the Book of Caverns substitute the Litany of Ra, and astronomical caps are found in apiece passage. The 3rd corridor and well room are decorated in as is manner, with the accession of excerpts from the Books of the Heavens, as is the first pillared hall which retains, however, the motif of the Osiris enshrine. Yet yet here the added to determine of Ra is seen. Yet even here the expanded influence of Ra is seen, therein Osiris is identified with the sun god through the accession of a solar disk and pecs. In the lower passages and antechamber, the ceilings show the Books of the Heavens and various cryptanalytic texts. The enactment walls show divisions from the Amduat; and the antechamber walls conniptions of gods and the Book of the Dead. On the walls of the burial chamber the Book of the Earth falls out for the first time, and here the astronomical ceiling aggregates images of the Books of the Heavens with the outstretched diurnal and nocturnal anatomies of the goddess Nut.

KV9, Tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI

Headway of the single 'sarcophagus cavity' in the burying chamber floor by Edwin Brock in 1985 brought out that the abuts had been bring down, perhaps to conciliate the base of a granite outer sarcophagus box - no trace of which was found. The bare inner, anthropoidal sarcophagus of green accumulate had been smashed to pieces in antiquity, the better known of the fragments being the large face mask of Ramesses VI today in the British Museum; the chapeau and faces of the box were gently incised and calico with anatomies and texts first discovered in the sarcophagus Siptah - the Book of the Earth. The king may as well have had an anthropoidal inmost sarcophagus of calcite, but the fragmentises exposed by Brock are uninscribed and perhaps instrusive.

No sarcophagi are cognised for Ramesses V; any devised had possibly been arrogated by his heir. Other finds brought to light by Brock admitted pottery, fragmentises of wood and calcite shabtis - and a coin of the Emperor of Rome Maximian.

A unequaled account of a thievery from the tomb of Ramesses VI is conserved in the tomb looting document (updated) called Papyrus Mayer B. On the effrontery that this robbery actuated the visit recorded inthe graffito marked by Champollion on the ceiling of the burial chamber, Cyril Aldred indicated that the theft occurred before Year nine of Ramesses IX.

The mummies of both Pharaoh Ramesses V and Pharaoh Ramesses VI were attained in the KV35 cache in 1898. The mummy of Pharaoh Ramesses V consisted the basis of a white-painted wooden coffin and that of Ramesses VI in a alternate coffin in the first place belonging to a archpriest of Menkheperre called Ra. A fragment of wooden coffin, embellished in a similar mode to the trough of Ramesses III, was constitute with the mummy of Ramesses VI, even so, and may good have constituted part of the original burial gear. The mummy itself had apparently been accompanied to at the same time as that of Sethos II, because the right forearm and hand of this king had unknowingly been absorbed in with Ramesses VI's own gravely besmirched body.

- KV17, The Tomb Of Seti I. - KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb.
- KV 4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI).