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Vignette : The deceased standing before Osiris with his left hand raised
to his mouth ; or the deceased holding a serpent in his hands ; or the
deceased addressing a serpent which has its head turned away ; or the
deceased drawing a cord from round the top of a tet (?), emblem of
stability .

triumphant, saith :-

"O thou land of the sceptre! (literalbr, wood) O thou white
"crown of the divine form ! O thou resting-place of the boat!
"I am the Child, (3) I am the Child, I am the Child, I am
"the Child . Hail, Abu-ur, thou sayest day by day : `The slaughter-
"block is made ready as thou knowest, and thou bast come to
"decay .' I am ( 4.) Ra, the stablisher of those who praise [him] .
"I am the knot of the god within the Aser tree, the doubly beauti-
ful one, who is more splendid than yesterday (say four times) .
"I am Rd, the stablisher of those who praise [him] . (5) I am
"the knot of the god within the Aser tree, and my going forth
"is the going forth [of Ra] on this day ."

"My hair is the hair of Nu . My face is the face of the Disk .
"My eyes are the eyes of (6) Hathor . My ears are the ears of
"Ap-uat . My nose is the nose of Khenti-khas . My lips are the
"lips of Anpu . My teeth are the teeth of (7) Serqet . My neck
"is the neck of the divine goddess Isis . My hands are the hands
"of Ba-neb-Tattu . My fore-arms are the fore-arms of Neith, the
"Lady of Sais . My backbone is (8) the backbone of Suti . My
"phallus is the phallus of Osiris . My reins are the reins of the
"Lords of Kher-aba . My chest is the chest of the Mighty one
"of Terror . (9) My belly and back are the belly and back of
"Sekhet . My buttocks are the buttocks of the Eye of Horus .
"My hips and legs are the hips and legs of Nut . My feet are the
"feet of (ro) Ptah. [My fingers] and my leg-bones are the [fingers
"and] leg-hones of the Living Gods . There is no member of my
"body which is not the member of some god . The god Thoth
"shieldeth my body (11) altogether, and I am Ra day by day .
"I shall not be dragged back by my arms, and none shall lay
"violent hold upon my hands . And shall do me hurt neither
"men, nor gods, (12) nor the sainted dead, nor those who have
"perished, nor any one of those of ancient times, nor any mortal,
"nor any human being . I (13) am he who cometh forth, ad-
vancing, whose name is unknown . I am Yesterday, and Seer
"of millions of years is my name . I pass along, I pass along
"the paths of the divine celestial judges . (14) 1 am the lord of
"eternity, and I decree and I judge like the god Khepera . I am
"the lord of the Ureret crown. I am he who dwelleth in the
"Utchat [and in the Egg, in the Utchat and in the Egg, and
"it is given unto me to live [with] them . I am he that dwell-
"eth in the Utchat when it closeth, and I exist by the strength
"thereof. I come forth and I shine ; I enter in and I come to
"life . I am in the Utchat]j my seat is (15) upon my throne,
"and I sit in the abode of splendour( :) before it . I am Horus
"and (I) traverse millions of years . I have given the decree
"[for the stablishing of] my throne and I am the ruler thereof ;
"and in very truth, my mouth keepeth an even balance both in
"speech (16) and in silence . In very truth, my forms are in-
verted . I am Un-nefer, from one season even unto another,
"and what I have is within me ; [I am] (17) the only One, who
"proceedeth from an only One who goeth round about in his
"course . I am he who dwelleth in the Utchat, no evil thing of any
"form or kind shall spring up against me, and no baleful object,
"and no harmful thing, and no disastrous thing shall happen unto
"(18) me. I open the door in heaven, I govern my throne, and I
`open up [the way] for the births [which take place] on this day .
"I am(?) the child who marcheth along the road of Yesterday . [I
"am] To-day for untold nations and peoples . (19) I am he who
"protecteth you for millions of years, and whether ye be denizens
"of the heavens, or of the earth, or of the south, or of the (20)
"north, or of the east, or of the west, the fear of me is in your
"bodies . I am he whose being has been moulded in his eye,
"and I shall not die again . My moment is in your bodies, but
"my (21) forms are in my place of habitation . I am he who
"cannot be known, but the Red Ones have their faces directed
"towards me . I am the unveiled one . The season wherein [the
"god] created the heavens for me (22) and enlarged the bounds
"of the earth and made great the progeny thereof cannot be
"found out ; but they fail and are not united [again] . My name
"setteth itself apart from all things [and from] the great evil
"[which is in] the mouths [of men] by reason of the speech
"which I address (23) unto you. I am he who riseth and shineth,
"the wall which cometh out of a wall, an only One who pro-
"ceedeth from an only One . There is never a day that passeth
"without (24) the things which appertain unto him being therein ;
"passing, passing, passing, passing . Verily I say unto thee, I am
"the Sprout which cometh forth from Nu, and my Mother is
"Nut. Hail, O (25) my Creator, I am he who hath no power
"to walk, the great Knot who is within yesterday . The might
"of my strength is within my hand . I myself am not known,
"but I am he who knoweth thee . (26) I cannot be held with the
"hand, but I am he who can hold thee in his hand . Hail, O Egg!
"Hail, O Egg! I am Horus who live for millions of years, whose
"flame shineth upon you (27) and bringeth your hearts to me .
"I have the command of my throne and I advance at this season,
"I have opened a path, and I have delivered myself from all
"evil things . (28) I am the dog-headed ape of gold three palms
"and two fingers [high], which hath neither arms nor legs and
"dwelleth in Het-ka-Ptah (Memphis), and I go forth as goeth
"forth the dog-headed ape that dwelleth in Het-ka-Ptah ."

In the Papyrus of Ani, sheet 32, only a portion of this Chapter
is given, i . e., the section which gives the names of the deities
with whom the various members of the body of the deceased
are identified . This section is arranged in tabular form, and
carefully drawn vignettes giving pictures of the gods mentioned
are added ; the following is the translation :-

Vignette : The god Nu.

Text : (1) The hair of Osiris Ani, triumphant, is the hair
of Nu .

Vignette : Ra, hawk-headed, and wearing a disk .

Text : (2) The face of Osiris, the scribe Ani, triumphant, is
the face of Rd .

Vignette : The goddess Hathor, with horns and a disk on her head .

Text : (3) The eyes of Osiris Ani, triumphant, are the eyes
of Hathor .

Vignette : The god Ap-uat, jackal-headed, on a standard .

Text : (4) The ears of Osiris Ani, triumphant, are the ears
of Ap-uat .

Vignette : The god Anpu, jackal-headed .

Text : (5) The lips of Osiris Ani, triumphant, are the lips
of Anpu .

Vignette : The scorpion-goddess Serqet holding the emblems of life
and eternity .

Text : (6) The teeth of Osiris Ani, triumphant, are the teeth
of Serqet .

Vignette : The goddess Isis .

Text : (7) The neck of Osiris Ani, triumphant, is the neck
of Isis .

Vignette : A ram-headed god, having a serpent between his horns .

Text : (8) The hands of Osiris Ani, triumphant, are the hands
of Ba-neb-Tattu .

Vignette : The goddess Uatchet.

Text : (9) The shoulder of Osiris Ani, triumphant, is the
shoulder of Uatchet .

Vignette : The goddess Mert standing on the symbol of gold ; her
hands are outstretched, and she has on her head a cluster of plants .

Text : ( 10) The throat of Osiris Ani, triumphant, is the throat
of Mert.

Vignette : The goddess Neith .

Text : (11) The fore-arms of Osiris Ani, triumphant, are the
fore-arms of the lady of SaYs .

Vignette : The god Set .

Text : (12) The backbone of Osiris Ani, triumphant, is the
backbone of Set .

Vignette : A god .

Text : (13) The chest of Osiris Ani, triumphant, is the chest
of the lords of Kher-aba .

Vignette : A god .

Text : (14) The flesh of Osiris Ani, triumphant, is the flesh
of the Mighty One of Terror.

Vignette : A god .

Text : (15) The reins and back of Osiris Ani, triumphant,
are the reins and back of Sekhet.

Vignette : An Utchat upon a pylon .

Text : (16) The buttocks of Osiris Ani, triumphant, are the
buttocks of the Eye of Horns .

Vignette : Osiris, wearing the Atef crown and holding the flail and
crook .

Text : (17) The phallus of Osiris Ani, triumphant, is the
phallus of Osiris .

Vignette : The goddess Nut .

Text : (18) The legs of Osiris 'Ani, triumphant, are the legs
of Nut .

Vignette : The god Ptah, standing on the pedestal of Maat .

Text : (19) The feet of Osiris Ani, triumphant, are the feet
of Ptah .

Vignette : The star Orion .

Text : ( 20) The fingers of Osiris Ani, triumphant, are the
fingers of Orion .

Vignette : Three uraei .

Text : (21) The leg-hones of Osiris Ani, triumphant, are the
leg-bones of the living uraei .

The Source: The Book oDead, the Chapters of Coming Forth by Day
Translated into English by E. A. Wallis Budge, Litt.D., D.Lit
London, 1898.

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