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KV32 (The Tomb of Tia'a)


Tia'a was the wife of King Amenhotep II and mother of King Thutmose IV. kV32 or the Tomb of Tia'a was constructed on the base of a sheer drop, got at by a stairs and consists of corridors and chambers. The tomb was bare and never decorated.

Victor Loret (1859 - 1946) the French archaeologist was the chief of the Egyptian Antiquities Service. Loret started working on the royal and individual tombs in the Valley of the Kings about 1881. He as well discovered the tombs of pharaoh Thutmosis III and pharaoh Amenhotep II.

The Valley of the Kings is a burial site. The burial site or A necropolis is defined as a big cemetery or burial lay near the locate of a centre of an ancient civilization. The Valley of the Kings wherever the The Tomb of Tia'a was discovered, is located close the Ancient Egyptian city of Thebes <>. On that point about 63 tombs which have been ascertained in the Valley of the Kings consisting to the Pharaohs and chairing dignitaries. A lot of the tombs were attained by the Egyptian tomb robbers of antiquity but on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries renewed concern in Egyptology led European Egyptologists, such Victor Loret, to make additional excavations in the Valley of the Kings, desiring to find unexplored tombs, accomplished with fab treasures.

KV32 plan

The entrance to KV32

Each part on the subject of Egyptian Tombs accosts all issues and provides concerning facts and information about the Golden long time of Pharaohs and of Egypt. The Sitemap supplies full details of totally of the information and facts supplied about the absorbing subject of the The Tomb of Tia'a ascertained by Victor Loret.

Recent Posts:

- KV20 (The Tomb of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut)
- KV15 (The Tomb of Seti II)
- KV16 (The Tomb of Ramesses I)
- KV18 (The Tomb of Ramesses X)

KV18 (The Tomb of Ramesses X)

KV18 (The Tomb of Ramesses X) placed in the East Valley, was the burial lay of the 20th dynasty pharaoh Ramesses X. The tomb has been afford in part since antiquity. Howard Carter dug up an area close to the entrance in 1902, but brief is known of the tomb as a lot of it even remains uncleared.

The tomb entrance:

KV18 entrance was unfinished and very fiddling decoration remains. Just the first 2 corridors have as yet been cleared. At the entrance there was a parted stairs, while only some steps remain. Hither, on the breaks and thickness of the doorpost are the remains of the pharaoh's name. The first corridor, which was in full cut and decorated chairs into a 2nd corridor. There's a decrease into this second corridor, that was never totally cut. There remains existent rough steps ahead up to the deserted workface. The ceiling here has broke down, but a couple of big rectangular adjourn were butt in each wall close the ceiling.

KV18 Plan

The entrance to KV18

Fiddling decoration stays in the tomb. Due to water flooding, the Ramessid entrance motive absorbed by Champollion's artist Karl Richard Lepsius is baffled to us; only a assign of the left hand face of the design remains obvious.

Primitively the scene described the king, collectively with Isis and Nephthys, kneeling on either face of the sun disc with scarab and ram-headed deity.

Recent Posts:

- KV10 (The tomb of Amenmesse)
- KV20 (The Tomb of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut)
- KV15 (The Tomb of Seti II)
- KV16 (The Tomb of Ramesses I)

KV16 (The Tomb of Ramesses I)

KV16 (The Tomb of Ramesses I), placed in the East Valley, was the burial localize of the founder of the nineteenth dynasty, pharaoh Ramesses I. It was first researched by Giovanni Belzoni in 1817. The tomb entrance was blotted out sometime on the twenty-first dynasty, because the absence of any Greek or Latin graffiti certifies.

KV16 - The Burial chamber of Pharaoh Ramesses I flanked by figures acting Nekhen and PeTomb KV16 is among the smallest royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings, its building being break short by the death of the older king.

KV16 Plan

KV16 (The Entrance)

Of the stepped entrance, a exclusive, short corridor leads to a 2nd stairway. This second staircase opens at once onto the burial chamber, which has two face chambers and a niche in the back wall. In the center of the burial chamber is the kings big, red granite sarcophagus. Alike the rest of the tomb, the sarcophagus is bare, its decoration hastily painted on, instead of being carved. The sarcophagus has affirmed damage to its eyelid and the upper abut of the box, maybe caused when the tomb was robbed once on the twentieth dynasty.

The medallion of the tomb, though painted, bears a accented resemblance to the style determined in the tomb of Horemheb (KV57). Presumptively many of the artists acted in both tombs. The scenes are related the Book of Gates, and totally have blue backgrounds. Higher up the Osiris niche in the back wall, there is a delineation of Ramesses I in a ceremony of exultation, flanked by the falcon-headed "soul of Pe" and the jackal-headed "soul of Nekhen", the traditional areas of upper Egypt.

With the rear wall Ramesses I is chaired into the bearing of Osiris by Horus. The burial chamber and left face chamber are the lone rooms in the tomb that are adorned.

The mummy was finally hived up in DB320 in the 10th regnal year of Saamen after antecedently being covered in KV17 (The tomb of Seti I aka Belzoni's tomb).

The rock in the tomb is broke and has suffered flood harm. Rain water acceded the tomb by joints and faults in the aerofoil limestone. The Supreme Council of ancientnesses or Antiquities has installed ceiling abides in the burial chamber approximately the sarcophagus to forbid further harm.

Recent Posts:

- KV17, The Tomb Of Seti I
- KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb
- KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI)
- KV15 (The Tomb of Seti II)

KV20 (The Tomb of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut)

KV20 (The Tomb of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut): A generally undecorated tomb constructed by the pharaoh Hatshepsut in the Valley of the Kings at point instantly behind her telling temple at Deir el Bahri. It's thought that the utmost length of the tomb was to enable her body would then lie in underneath her temple - even so the curve in the tomb appearances how the tomb constructors came over unsuitable rock and then the tomb had to bend from its designated route.

As the sarcophagus chamber was absolved by Howard Carter in 1920, he discovered 2 sarcophagi - one consisting to Hatshepsut and one which consisted to her father Tuthmosis I, both discharge.

The only ornament of the tomb was in the burial chamber, 15 limestone blocks which were autographed with texts of the Amduat.

Hatshepsut was entombed in a quartzite sarcophagus, this was in reality her 2nd sarcophagus - on exalting herself king Hatshepsut adjudicated not to use her archetype sarcophagus which was brought her while she was allay queen. Her archetype sarcophagus was re-carved for the entombment of her father Tuthmosis I.

KV20, plan and entrance

Tuthmosis I was as well buried inside KV20 on the death of Hatshepsut, but not for farseeing - Tuthmosis III was to displace his mummy into KV38 and bury him in afresh sarcophagus.

Other materialss discovered in KV20:

A cornerstone deposit of Hatsheput was discovered at the entrance to the tomb which admitted fragments of funerary furniture (inscribed with the names of Ahmose-Nefertari, King Tuthmosis I, Queen Ahmose and Hatshepsut), potsherds, fragments of faience and baked bits of a statue -perhaps a guardian statue.

A shabti figure consisting to Hatshepsut in The Hague.

Related Posts:

- KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb
- KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI)
- KV9 (Tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI)
- KV10 (The tomb of Amenmesse)

KV10 (The tomb of Amenmesse)

KV10 (The tomb of Amenmesse), situated in the East Valley, was the burial lay of the nineteenth dynasty pharaoh Amenmesse and was 1st researched by Edward Ayrton in 1907. The tomb has been partly open as antiquity, and there are Arabic, Greek and modern dedications on the walls at the becharm to the tomb.

KV10 - cosmopolitan plan From the entrance "A" 3 corridors go down to the Hall of awaiting "B" which is without its common well shaft. The Hall of awaiting deludes to the Chariot Hall "C" a 4 pillared chamber demoing signs of considerable damage ascribable flooding, with just one of the pillars still comparatively integral. The Chariot hall has apart chamber "D" which was never finished up. The ceiling of this chamber was bottomed by the tomb of Pharaoh Ramesses III in KV11.

Plan of KV10

The corridor ahead from the Chariot Hall has a domed ceiling (the last two corridors are not demoed on the attaching to plan as it was aspirated the early 1800s). The fifth and last corridor is bare but would have chaired to the burial chamber if accomplished. Instead the corridor assisted as the burial chamber.

The tomb was primitively adorned for Amenmesse, with raised relief on the header and jambs at the entrance. The difference of the decoration was in sunk relief, carrying as far as pillared Chariot Hall, the first 2 corridors being adorned with aspects from the Litany of Re while the 3rd corridor bore evidence of aspects from the Anduat. All of this medallion was subsequently effaced and substituted with motley plaster aspects for the royal lady Takhat and Baketwerel.

KV10 (The Entrance)

The decoration of the Hall of awaiting consisted of aspects of Takhat making oblations to a number of deities. This theme was duplicated in the Chariot hall, wherever Baketwerel was depicted making the oblations The Chariot Hall was as well decorated with scenes from the Book of the Dead.

As a consequence of flooding at assorted times over the centuries almost of the wall decoration has been demolished. Three mummies were discovered within the tomb, those of 2 women and a man. They've never been described. However, fragmentizes of canopic jars and depart of a red granite sarcophagus lid, both autographed with the name of Takhat, believably indicate that at least she was entombed here.

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- KV17, The Tomb Of Seti I
- KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb
- KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI)
- KV9 (Tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI)