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Tutankhamun Mask

Tutankhamun mask is made of gold decorated with colored glass and rich stone. The mask comes from the private mummy case in the pharaoh's tomb, and stands 54 cm high and weighs about 11kg. 
The pharaoh is described in a classical manner, with a ceremonial beard, a broad collar processed of twelve concentric rows comprising of inlays of turquoise, lapis lazuli, carnelian and amazonite. The traditional nemes head-dress has yellow streaks of solid gold totaled by bands of glass paste, coloured dark blue. On the forehead of the mask are a crowned uraeus and a vulture's head, symbols of the two tutelary gods of Lower and Upper Egypt: Wadjet and Nekhbet. Higher Up his perfect golden cheeks, Tutankhamen has blue flower petals of lapis lazuli in imitation of the kohl makeup he would have endured in life.
Tutankhamun is likely the most famous of each other Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, however he was a short lived and fairly insignificant ruler during a transitional time in history. Little was identified of Tutankhamun prior to Howard Carters organized detective work, but the discovery of his tomb and the proud contents it held ultimately ensured this boy king of the Immortality he desired. It is thought that Akhenaten and a lesser wife called Kiya were the parents of Tutankhaten, as Tutankhamun was recognized at first. Shortly after the deaths of Akhenaten and Smenkhkare, Tutankhaten turned a Boy King at the age of about nine. He married a slimly older Ankhesenpaaten, daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti. After the ousting of the Aten power base they transferred their names to Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun to ponder the return to favor of the Amun hierarchy. Credited to his young age, Tutankhamun would not have been trusted for the real decision making. This would have been treated by two high officials, Ay (perhaps the father of Nefertiti) and Horemheb, commander-in-chief of the regular army. Sometime around the ninth year of Tutankhamun's rule, maybe 1325 B.C., he died. There is prove of an wound to the skull that had time to partially heal. He may have endured an accident, such as dropping from his horse-drawn chariot, or maybe he was murdered. No one knows. Ay oversaw Tutankhamun's burial arranging which lasted seventy days. Credited to Tutankhamun having no heirs, Ay became Pharaoh and got Ankhesenamun as his queen to legalized his rule. What occurred to her after that is not known. Ay reigned for only four years and afterward his death Horemheb caught power. He soon obliterated evidence of the rules of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun and Ay and exchanged his own name on many monuments.  
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Tutankhamun's Death

For about one hundred years the secret of King Tutankhamun's death has been a who-done-it in the classic feel, with a number of suspects and various motifs, an uncertainty about the way of death and whether it was actually murder. Although he died about 1325 BC the wonders arising from the circumstances surrounding his death were buried with his mummy and its great treasure until Howard Carter excavated them in 1922. Tutankhamun attained the throne, when he was at nine years old, upon the mysterious death of the previous pharaoh, called Akhenatun the Heretic. This heretical king had reversed the religious structure of the Egyptian society upside down during his rule and set the stage for the possible character assassination of Tutankhamun. The first of the four most probably suspects in the possible murder of the boy king was a foreigner called Tutu, or Dudu, a member of the court of King Amenhotep III, and he extended as an official with the following Pharaoh Akhenatun. At this time someone was tapping messages requesting aid from the army and as a result there were a number of doomed defeats. Suspicion fell upon the foreign Tutu and Akhenatun trusted to investigate and find the treasonist. Before anything could be concluded the king died under suspect conditions. The new Pharaoh Tutankhamun, was young and unpracticed when he inherited this offensive character who was rumored to encourage discord amongst the members of the court. Some think that he had a hand in the feasible murder of the new king as well as the previous one. Whether for his own profit or at the command of another party stays to be seen. At the early age of nine, Tutankhamun was unprepared to reign a kingdom but he had two experienced and serious men to make decisions in his mention. Aye was a superior priest with some royal blood that decreed as Vizier and as a regent of forms. Horemhab was the general in command of the regular army of Egypt and had a appreciation for power although without the royal bloodlines that would make him ready to be king. These two men, the general and the priest, are the people, whether singly or in concert, that had the strongest needs for eliminating the young pharaoh. For the full ten years Tutankhamun occupied the throne of Egypt, Horemhab and the older Aye reigned in his name and became habituated to having the reins of power in their hands. By the time Tutankhamun had arrived at his late teens it is likely they saw the possible action of their power diminishing. Just one other someone was in a position elevated sufficient to assassinate the young pharaoh and that would be his personal wife, Queen Ankhsenamun. Consequences after the kings death show that she was the least probably to have done the deed. When she found herself only on the throne she directed a message to the king of Hatti (nowadays Turkey), an foe of Egypt, demanding for one of his sons as a husband for herself. She composed to the Hittite king," Never shall I select a servant of mine and make him my husband. I am scared." Was this servant she mentioned to the priest Aye? Suppiluliumas (The Hittite king) was supposed at first but finally sent his son Zannanza to wed the Egyptian queen and get for them an entire kingdom without fight. The young prince never made it to his marriage, he was assassinated on the way and queen Ankhsenamun was pushed to marry her servant the higher priest Aye. She had good cause to be afraid for she disappeared shortly after, from all view and record.  
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Tutankhamun's Life

Tutankhamun (some called him King Tut) is likely the most famous of all the Pharaohs of Ancient Egypt, however he was a shortly lived and fairly insignificant ruler during a transitive period in history. Little was notable of Tutankhamun prior to Howard Carters methodical investigator work, but the discovery of his tomb and the sticking contents it held ultimately ensured this boy king of the Immortality he desired. It is thought that Akhenaten and a lesser wife called Kiya were the parents of Tutankhaten, as Tutankhamun was known firstly. Shortly after the deaths of Akhenaten and Smenkhkare, Tutankhaten got a Boy King at the age of about nine. He married a slimly older Ankhesenpaaten, one of Akhenaten's daughters and Nefertiti. After the expelling of the Aten power base they adjusted their names to Tutankhamun and Ankhesenamun to meditate the return to favor of the Amun hierarchy. Expected to his young age, Tutankhamun would not have been trusted for the real decision making. This would have been treated by two high officials, Ay (perhaps the father of Nefertiti) and Horemheb, commander-in-chief of the regular army. Sometime approximately the ninth year of Tutankhamun's rule, perhaps 1325 B.C., he died. There is prove of an injury to the skull that had time to partly cure. He may have endured an accident, such as dropping from his horse-drawn chariot, or maybe he was murdered. That is unknown. Ay supervised Tutankhamun's burial arrangements which lasted seventy days. Because Tutankhamun having no successors, Ay became Pharaoh and involved Ankhesenamun as his queen to legitimise his rule. What occurred to her after that is unknown. Ay ruled for only 4 years and after his death Horemheb caught power. He shortly obliterated evidence of the reigns of Akhenaten, Tutankhamun and Ay and exchanged his own name on some monuments.  
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Tutankhamuns Children

In cooperation with the Cairo University s Staff of Medicine, the Supreme Council of Antiquities (SCA) begun a scientific project to subject two mummified fetuses which have been put in at the university since their discovery in Tutankhamuns tomb in 1922 on Luxors westward bank. It is believed that the small bodies may be those of the young kings abortion children.
Farouk Hosni, (The Minister of Culture), declared the collaborative project today, overtime that the scientific team directed by Dr. Ashraf Selim, chief of Cairo Scan, and Dr. Yehia Zakaria of the National Research Center accomplished a CT scan on the two foetuses and took samples in order to carry out a DNA exams. Dr. Zahi Hawass (Secretary General of the SCA) told that the study aims at identifying the lineage and the family of king Tutankhamun, especially his parents. The DNA test and the CT scan will may also help to discover the fetuses mother. The issues of these studies, asserted Hawass, will also assist in identifying the mummy of queen Nefertiti, the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaton. Within the model of the SCAs project to CT scan all royal mummies for recognition, samples from several anonymous female mummies found at the Egyptian museum have been engaged for DNA testing. All of the results will be equated and compared with each other, close with those of the mummy of the boy king Tutankhamun, which CT skimmed in 2005. Hawass also signed a scientific accord with Dr. Ahmed Sameh, chancellor of the Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, to prove Egypts second ever DNA science lab at the faculty. The first one is within the Egyptian Museum. Such a science lab, explained Dr. Hawass, will help scientists and researchers to accomplish scientific comparisons between the results supplied from both labs. Dr. Hawass said that the forensic department at the faculty will study the bones discovered within the pyramid constructors cemetery on the Giza plateau, in order to learn of the diseases that they endured during their lifetimes and their rate ages at death.  
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Khufu Facts and Death

Khufu was Born in c. 2620 BC
Khufu Birthplace in Egypt
Khufu died in c. 2566 BC
Egypt was the place where Khufu died
The reason of Khufu death is unspecified
Khufu Rests: His mummy which hidden and undiscovered tell now
His grammatical gender (Male)
Religious Belief (Old religion)
His race: Egyptian citizen
Khufu occupation (one of the most famous pharaohs of ancient Egypt)
The nationality of Khufu: Egypt
The summary: Famous Egyptian pharaoh died and buried in Egypt in the great pyramid at Giza
His Father was Pharaoh Sneferu (2613-2589 B.C.)
His Mother was Queen Hetepheres (Unknown information about her)
Khufu Wife (Queen Meretites)
Khufu Sons [Djedefra (heir Pharaoh, joined with queen Hetepheres II - Pharaoh Khafre - Kawab (joined with queen Hetepheres II)]
Khufu Daughters [Hetepheres II who married her brothers Djedefra and Kawab]

After Khufu Deith:
He told the building of his magnificent tomb, the Great Pyramid at Giza (Necropolis near the modern Cairo). The Pyramid comprises of about 2.4 million rocks, with individual stones averaging about 2 and a half tons each, carried up to 500 miles to the work point. Construction is thought to have taken about 20 years, with a workforce figured as high as 300,000, all supervised by Khufu's nephew, Hemiunu, who may have been the Pyramid's designer. It is unsure whether these workers were slaves, as there is some prove that at least some of them taken a nominal pay. At its closing Khufu's great Pyramid was the greatest man-made building on Earth, every side evaluating more than 75,000 feet in distance. It is the last of the basic Seven Wonders of the World still resisting. The internal chamber where Khufu was buried has been discovered and explored by archaeologists, but his rests have never been determined.

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The Great Pyramids

Khufu Facts

Khnum-Khufu that is the full name of king Khufu. It's means "[The god] Khnum protects me". The Greek authors who offered the first histories of Egypt assure us that Khufu--whom they named Cheops--was a concentrated man who offended Egypt's gods and forced his people into slaveholding. But this is unfair. Other analysis of the historical record shows that Khufu, the second king of the fourth dynasty of the Old Kingdom, reigned Egypt for around 23 years (c. 2551-2528 B.C.). His period was a prosperous and pacific one, and he never enslaved his citizens.

King Snefru, one of the famous pharaohs of ancient Egypt, father of King Khufu, had been an impressive pyramid constructor, constructing not one, but three huge pyramids. Hetepheres, was his mother, Snefru's chief wife. American archaeologist George Reisner discovered a deep shaft covered close by Khufu's pyramid in 1925. At the base of the shaft was a limited room packed with Hetepheres' burial equipment, taking on a bed, a headrest, a carrying chair, a collection of rare silver bracelets, a range of cosmetics, and lots of pottery. Mysteriously, the alabaster sarcophagus was stripped. To date, the queen's body has not been got.

Khufu had different wives, as was the custom with Egyptian families, and many children. Meritetes, the wife of Khufu, was the mother of Djedefre, the king who followed Khufu. Henutsen, the wife of Khufu also, was the mother of king Khafre (Chephren in Greeks culture) who succeeded Djedefre as king. Khafre who constructed the second pyramid at Giza.

At the end of the day, our realizing of individuals and their complicated relationships nearly five thusands years ago, must be subject to a huge dose of caution, and humility, particularly in Egypt, where two-thirds of the country stays covered in sand and totally unexcavated, and where 99% of what we believe to be true comes from 1% of the population, royalty. And even then, what we believe we know is based on what this privileged few, mostly men, needed us to believe, as described on the walls of their tombs and temples.

Many conditions, such as science, maths and physics, have developed, amended, and, in some examples, completely reinvented themselves over a cross of thousands of years. Egyptology, then again, is in its infancy, having existed for just two centuries. Why, then, can we not remain to evolve our understanding of its most iconic forms or, at the same least, question them; such as king Khufu, the would be author of the world most known signature the Great Pyramid of Giza. The most famous place in Egypt, and the one that seems on almost every Egypt tour package, this is the oldest and biggest of the pyramids on the Giza.

Other Articles:

Khafra (2558 - 2532 B.C.) 

Thutmose III Foreign Policy

For twenty two years Hatshepsut ruled in sapience and peace; Thutmose III followed with a rule of many warfares. Syria got advantage of the death of Hatshepsut to revolt; it did not appear likely to the Syrians that a fellow of twenty two, would be able to keep the empire made by his father. But Thutmose depart in the very year of his access, marched his army over Kantara and Gaza at 20 miles per day, and faced up the rebel forces at Megiddo, a small town so strategically placed between the competition Lebanon ranges on the route from Egypt to the Euphrates that it has been the Armageddon of innumerable wars from that day to (General Allenby's). In the very pass where in 1918 the British overcome the Turks, Thutmose III, about 3397 years before, overcome the Syrians and their friends. Then Thutmose moved victorious through west of Asia, conquering, taxing and levying protection, and returned to Thebes in triumph 6 months after his leaving. This was the first of 15 military campaigns in which the winning Thutmose made Egypt master of the Mediterranean peoples world. Not just did he conquer, but he prepared and organized, everywhere he left doughty forts and capable governors. The first man in identified history to recognize the grandness of sea power, he established a fleet that saved the Near East effectively in leash. The spoils that he captured became the creation of Egyptian art in the time period of the Empire; the tribute that he beat from Syria gave his people an heavy ease, and created a new class of artists who engaged all Egypt with precious things. We may vaguely figure the wealth of the new imperial government when we ensure that on one occasion the treasury was capable tc measure out 9000 pounds of gold and silver metal. Trade expanded in Thebes as never before; the temples moaned with offerings; and at Karnak the proud Promenade and Festival Hall raised to the greater glory of deity and king. Then the King withdrawn from the battlefield, designed concentrated vases, and gave himself to secret administration. His vizier or superior minister said of him, as tired secretaries were to tell of Napoleon: "Lo, His Majesty was one who knew what occurred; there was nothing of which he was uneducated; he was the deity of knowledge in everything; there was irrespective that he did not achieved." He passed out after a rule of 32 (some say 54) years, having made Egyptian leadership in the Mediterranean sea world accomplished.  
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