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KV43, The tomb of Tuthmosis IV

Howard Carter brought in the first modern becharm into the tomb of pharaoh Tuthmosis IV "KV43" on January 18th, 1903. This wasn't an accidental discovery by Howard Carter, for he had been anticipating this specific tomb. On Feb 3rd, it was formally open. Similar with all the tombs of the valley of the kings, it had been despoiled on antiquity, but there were alley some amount of details left.

The tomb is of form one style, the earliest tomb in the valley of the kings, with its L-shaped construction. It accompanies the general style of KV35 of king Amenhotep II in design, size and complexness, also as its placement below a storm-fed waterfall. Of the entrance we ascertain a stairway ahead to the first corridor, another stairway ahead to a 2d stairway, which successively leads directly to the rite shaft. At the bottom of the rite shaft is additional exclusive chamber. The rite shaft opens forthwith into a 2 pillared hall. Of the 2 pillared hall, the tomb acquires a 90 degree left disdain additional set of stairs to a 3rd corridor, which leads to a final stairway and so an antechamber. The antechamber acquires another ninety degree turn into the burial chamber, which has 6 pillars and 4 annexes, 2 on either side. Between the last 2 pillars of this chamber is a belittled stairway that conduces to the crypt.

This tomb dissents from KV35 in many abides by, including the crypt area, the alignment of the storage rooms. Importantly, we find the first occurrences of the magical niches built up into the walls which are to be discovered in all succeeding tombs till the time of Ramesses II.

Interestingly, although the tomb was cautiously cut, the decorative plan of the tomb is almost missing. Only the ritual shaft and the antechamber are particolored, and these decorations seem to be in haste done. Both areas have cap with yellow stars on a blue-black background, and khekher-friezes appear at the top of the decorated surrounds, which are painted a golden yellow. Also, in both of these locations, the king appears before assorted deities, and in each position these scenes are almost incisively as is, with the only material conflict being the clothing of the divinities.

The Hieratic text discovered on the south surround of the antechamber was not produced by Tuthmosis, but rather by Horemheb. It mentions to the robbery on antiquity of this tomb, and Horemheb's attempts to restore the damage made necessity by the illicit debut. Therefore, Tuthmosis IV's mummy wasn't found in this tomb but would afterward be attained to be one of those discovered in the tomb of Amenophis II.

Although Tothmosis IV's mummy wasn't found in his tomb, there were three accessory burials discovered, presumably issues of the king. Almost all of the funerary equipment that was discovered was fragmentary, but belonged of the following:

* From foundation depositions:

- Implements. - Pebbles and plaques. - Model vessels.

Previous posts:

Kamose (1573–1570)
Ahhotep I (1560- 1530 BCE)
The Second Intermediate Period (1782–1570)
Ahmose I (1570–1546 BC)
The Thirteenth Dynasty
Pharaohs Dynasties or Egyptian Dynasties
The Fourteenth Dynasty
The Sixth Dynasty (feudalism age)

KV55 (the tomb of Akhenaten)

This tomb (KV55) is a tomb in the Valley of the kings in Upper Egypt. In 1907 the tomb was discovered by Edward R. Ayrton while he was working in the Valley of the kings for Theodore M. Davis. It's long been chewed over, as well as much-disputed, that the body ascertained in this tomb was that of the famed "heretic pharaoh, Akhenaten". The ensues of genetic and other scientific essays published in February 2010 have affirmed that the individual entombed there was both the son of king Amenhotep III (also as the father of king Tutankhamun), and likewise that his age at the time of his decease was in fact logical with that of Akhenaten's; it's therefore about certain that it's so Akhenaten's dead body.

Both the tomb's history and the designation of its single resident have been debatable. It is accepted to be a royal cache and reburying dating from the late 18th dynasty, prepared after the abandonment of Amarna and the dismantling of the royal necropolis there. The mummy found in the tomb has been described by DNA examining as the biological father of Tutankhamun, affirmed by inscription certify to be Akhenaten. On the base of the convalesced artifacts, it's also indicated that the burial once arrested more than a single resident, either entombed on one occasion or over a period of time. Queen Tiye is most frequently named in this circumstance.

It's as well clear that the tomb was re-entered at a later time, almost for certain during the 20th dynasty. At this time, any extra, hypothetical occupiers of the tomb would have been absented and maybe relocated to KV35, while the continuing mummy and some of the other artifacts were desecrated and desolated.

The tomb is frequently referred to as the Amarna hoard, given the amalgamated nature of its contents.

Some contents of the tomb:

- A gold pectoral.
- Canopic jars from kv55.
- An inlay from which a cartouche has been abstracted, most believably the name of king Akhenaten.
- Gold foil accounted to have the cartouche of "Smenkhkare".

Previous Posts:

Leopared Head in Tutankhamun tomb.
Howard Carter.
Tutankhamun tomb (KV62).

KV15 (The Tomb of Seti II)

KV15 (The Tomb of Seti II), placed in the East Valley, was the burial lay of the nineteenth dynasty pharaoh Seti II and was first researched by Howard Carter in 1902 and 1903. The tomb has been assailable since antiquity, over 60 Greek and other graffiti discovered on the walls of the tomb attest that it rested open end-to-end the later Graeco-Roman era.

KV15 - Entrance:

The entrance of KV15 is cut straight into the vertical cliff side at the head of a branch wadi.

From the brusk entrance 3 long corridors lead to the Hall of awaiting, which is minus its good shaft. The Hall of awaiting opens onto the 4 pillared Chariot Hall which has a central ancestry ahead directly to the burial chamber, which was adjusted from an bare corridor.

The decoration of the tomb seems to have been accomplished in a rush, probably ascribable the kings death. The 1st corridor and the Chariot Hall are decorated in dipped and raised alleviation, but the decoration in the remainder of the tomb is knocked off paint lonely; in the second and 3rd corridors, only overture sketches were painted on a greyish brown plaster aerofoil.

Across the entrance to the 1st corridor is a sun disk with a scarabaeus and a ram headed god, bordered by the kneeling anatomies of the goddesses Isis and Nephthys. Ciphered on the jambs of the threshold are the names of Seti II with an image of Ma'at, also shown kneel. On the left wall of the first corridor are images of Seti II making offers to Re-Horakhty and Nefertem while the right wall appearances scenes of Sokar and Seti II bringing in offerings to Re-Horakhty. The remnant of the corridor shows aspects from the Litany of Re, while the ceiling is painted with flew vultures (below right).

The 2d corridor, whose decoration belongs of overture sketches, exposes further scenes of Seti II on dieties and sections from the Litany of Re. Additionally there are scenes from the Amduat which continue in the 3rd corridor. The Hall of awaiting isn't decorated with the usual scenes of the king with dieties, but instead the intact chamber bears agencies of funerary objects, including figurines of gods and pharaohs.

The Chariot Hall is adorned with scenes of the Book of Gates. On the back wall is a double aspect of King Seti II offering an picture of Ma'at and 2 vases to Osiris. The belittled burial chamber is adorned with the Book of Gates and additional scenes of the king on dieties.

Fragmentises of his red granite sarcophagus chapeau were present inside this tomb, merely no trace of the existent box was ever discovered. These fragments have been bushelled and reassembled to give an depression of the original show of the sarcophagus. The top of the lid is lacking, along with the face of the king. Even so, the head of the goddess Nut is today in the Egyptian accumulation in Paris at the Louvre museum.

The story of KV15 isn't known in full. There is definite attest of the erasure of Seti II's names accompanied by their recarving, and these cuts may have occurred either during the encroachment of Amenmesses (most expected) or on the reign of Siptah and after restored by Twosert.

It's conceivable that the body of the king was at first interred in KV14 with his married woman, Twosert, then reburied by Setnakhte in the deserted KV15, which was then quickly completed. Whether this was so, or the king was at first buried in his own bare tomb, the body was later absented and localized in a coffin in the KV35 lay away.

Recent Posts:

- KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI)
- KV9 (Tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI)
- KV10 (The tomb of Amenmesse)
- KV20 (The Tomb of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut)

KV32 (The Tomb of Tia'a)


Tia'a was the wife of King Amenhotep II and mother of King Thutmose IV. kV32 or the Tomb of Tia'a was constructed on the base of a sheer drop, got at by a stairs and consists of corridors and chambers. The tomb was bare and never decorated.

Victor Loret (1859 - 1946) the French archaeologist was the chief of the Egyptian Antiquities Service. Loret started working on the royal and individual tombs in the Valley of the Kings about 1881. He as well discovered the tombs of pharaoh Thutmosis III and pharaoh Amenhotep II.

The Valley of the Kings is a burial site. The burial site or A necropolis is defined as a big cemetery or burial lay near the locate of a centre of an ancient civilization. The Valley of the Kings wherever the The Tomb of Tia'a was discovered, is located close the Ancient Egyptian city of Thebes <>. On that point about 63 tombs which have been ascertained in the Valley of the Kings consisting to the Pharaohs and chairing dignitaries. A lot of the tombs were attained by the Egyptian tomb robbers of antiquity but on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries renewed concern in Egyptology led European Egyptologists, such Victor Loret, to make additional excavations in the Valley of the Kings, desiring to find unexplored tombs, accomplished with fab treasures.

KV32 plan

The entrance to KV32

Each part on the subject of Egyptian Tombs accosts all issues and provides concerning facts and information about the Golden long time of Pharaohs and of Egypt. The Sitemap supplies full details of totally of the information and facts supplied about the absorbing subject of the The Tomb of Tia'a ascertained by Victor Loret.

Recent Posts:

- KV20 (The Tomb of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut)
- KV15 (The Tomb of Seti II)
- KV16 (The Tomb of Ramesses I)
- KV18 (The Tomb of Ramesses X)

KV18 (The Tomb of Ramesses X)

KV18 (The Tomb of Ramesses X) placed in the East Valley, was the burial lay of the 20th dynasty pharaoh Ramesses X. The tomb has been afford in part since antiquity. Howard Carter dug up an area close to the entrance in 1902, but brief is known of the tomb as a lot of it even remains uncleared.

The tomb entrance:

KV18 entrance was unfinished and very fiddling decoration remains. Just the first 2 corridors have as yet been cleared. At the entrance there was a parted stairs, while only some steps remain. Hither, on the breaks and thickness of the doorpost are the remains of the pharaoh's name. The first corridor, which was in full cut and decorated chairs into a 2nd corridor. There's a decrease into this second corridor, that was never totally cut. There remains existent rough steps ahead up to the deserted workface. The ceiling here has broke down, but a couple of big rectangular adjourn were butt in each wall close the ceiling.

KV18 Plan

The entrance to KV18

Fiddling decoration stays in the tomb. Due to water flooding, the Ramessid entrance motive absorbed by Champollion's artist Karl Richard Lepsius is baffled to us; only a assign of the left hand face of the design remains obvious.

Primitively the scene described the king, collectively with Isis and Nephthys, kneeling on either face of the sun disc with scarab and ram-headed deity.

Recent Posts:

- KV10 (The tomb of Amenmesse)
- KV20 (The Tomb of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut)
- KV15 (The Tomb of Seti II)
- KV16 (The Tomb of Ramesses I)

KV16 (The Tomb of Ramesses I)

KV16 (The Tomb of Ramesses I), placed in the East Valley, was the burial localize of the founder of the nineteenth dynasty, pharaoh Ramesses I. It was first researched by Giovanni Belzoni in 1817. The tomb entrance was blotted out sometime on the twenty-first dynasty, because the absence of any Greek or Latin graffiti certifies.

KV16 - The Burial chamber of Pharaoh Ramesses I flanked by figures acting Nekhen and PeTomb KV16 is among the smallest royal tombs in the Valley of the Kings, its building being break short by the death of the older king.

KV16 Plan

KV16 (The Entrance)

Of the stepped entrance, a exclusive, short corridor leads to a 2nd stairway. This second staircase opens at once onto the burial chamber, which has two face chambers and a niche in the back wall. In the center of the burial chamber is the kings big, red granite sarcophagus. Alike the rest of the tomb, the sarcophagus is bare, its decoration hastily painted on, instead of being carved. The sarcophagus has affirmed damage to its eyelid and the upper abut of the box, maybe caused when the tomb was robbed once on the twentieth dynasty.

The medallion of the tomb, though painted, bears a accented resemblance to the style determined in the tomb of Horemheb (KV57). Presumptively many of the artists acted in both tombs. The scenes are related the Book of Gates, and totally have blue backgrounds. Higher up the Osiris niche in the back wall, there is a delineation of Ramesses I in a ceremony of exultation, flanked by the falcon-headed "soul of Pe" and the jackal-headed "soul of Nekhen", the traditional areas of upper Egypt.

With the rear wall Ramesses I is chaired into the bearing of Osiris by Horus. The burial chamber and left face chamber are the lone rooms in the tomb that are adorned.

The mummy was finally hived up in DB320 in the 10th regnal year of Saamen after antecedently being covered in KV17 (The tomb of Seti I aka Belzoni's tomb).

The rock in the tomb is broke and has suffered flood harm. Rain water acceded the tomb by joints and faults in the aerofoil limestone. The Supreme Council of ancientnesses or Antiquities has installed ceiling abides in the burial chamber approximately the sarcophagus to forbid further harm.

Recent Posts:

- KV17, The Tomb Of Seti I
- KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb
- KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI)
- KV15 (The Tomb of Seti II)

KV20 (The Tomb of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut)

KV20 (The Tomb of Tuthmosis I and Hatshepsut): A generally undecorated tomb constructed by the pharaoh Hatshepsut in the Valley of the Kings at point instantly behind her telling temple at Deir el Bahri. It's thought that the utmost length of the tomb was to enable her body would then lie in underneath her temple - even so the curve in the tomb appearances how the tomb constructors came over unsuitable rock and then the tomb had to bend from its designated route.

As the sarcophagus chamber was absolved by Howard Carter in 1920, he discovered 2 sarcophagi - one consisting to Hatshepsut and one which consisted to her father Tuthmosis I, both discharge.

The only ornament of the tomb was in the burial chamber, 15 limestone blocks which were autographed with texts of the Amduat.

Hatshepsut was entombed in a quartzite sarcophagus, this was in reality her 2nd sarcophagus - on exalting herself king Hatshepsut adjudicated not to use her archetype sarcophagus which was brought her while she was allay queen. Her archetype sarcophagus was re-carved for the entombment of her father Tuthmosis I.

KV20, plan and entrance

Tuthmosis I was as well buried inside KV20 on the death of Hatshepsut, but not for farseeing - Tuthmosis III was to displace his mummy into KV38 and bury him in afresh sarcophagus.

Other materialss discovered in KV20:

A cornerstone deposit of Hatsheput was discovered at the entrance to the tomb which admitted fragments of funerary furniture (inscribed with the names of Ahmose-Nefertari, King Tuthmosis I, Queen Ahmose and Hatshepsut), potsherds, fragments of faience and baked bits of a statue -perhaps a guardian statue.

A shabti figure consisting to Hatshepsut in The Hague.

Related Posts:

- KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb
- KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI)
- KV9 (Tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI)
- KV10 (The tomb of Amenmesse)

KV10 (The tomb of Amenmesse)

KV10 (The tomb of Amenmesse), situated in the East Valley, was the burial lay of the nineteenth dynasty pharaoh Amenmesse and was 1st researched by Edward Ayrton in 1907. The tomb has been partly open as antiquity, and there are Arabic, Greek and modern dedications on the walls at the becharm to the tomb.

KV10 - cosmopolitan plan From the entrance "A" 3 corridors go down to the Hall of awaiting "B" which is without its common well shaft. The Hall of awaiting deludes to the Chariot Hall "C" a 4 pillared chamber demoing signs of considerable damage ascribable flooding, with just one of the pillars still comparatively integral. The Chariot hall has apart chamber "D" which was never finished up. The ceiling of this chamber was bottomed by the tomb of Pharaoh Ramesses III in KV11.

Plan of KV10

The corridor ahead from the Chariot Hall has a domed ceiling (the last two corridors are not demoed on the attaching to plan as it was aspirated the early 1800s). The fifth and last corridor is bare but would have chaired to the burial chamber if accomplished. Instead the corridor assisted as the burial chamber.

The tomb was primitively adorned for Amenmesse, with raised relief on the header and jambs at the entrance. The difference of the decoration was in sunk relief, carrying as far as pillared Chariot Hall, the first 2 corridors being adorned with aspects from the Litany of Re while the 3rd corridor bore evidence of aspects from the Anduat. All of this medallion was subsequently effaced and substituted with motley plaster aspects for the royal lady Takhat and Baketwerel.

KV10 (The Entrance)

The decoration of the Hall of awaiting consisted of aspects of Takhat making oblations to a number of deities. This theme was duplicated in the Chariot hall, wherever Baketwerel was depicted making the oblations The Chariot Hall was as well decorated with scenes from the Book of the Dead.

As a consequence of flooding at assorted times over the centuries almost of the wall decoration has been demolished. Three mummies were discovered within the tomb, those of 2 women and a man. They've never been described. However, fragmentizes of canopic jars and depart of a red granite sarcophagus lid, both autographed with the name of Takhat, believably indicate that at least she was entombed here.

Related Posts:

- KV17, The Tomb Of Seti I
- KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb
- KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI)
- KV9 (Tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI)

KV9 (Tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI)

KV9 the tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI was acknowledged to the Romans as the tomb of Memnon, and to the initiates of the Napoleonic Expedition as La Tombe de la Metempsychose. The earlier departs of the tomb before E are autographed for Ramesses V, without any decipher of encroachment. A wooden box fragment from the tomb and a possible wooden coffin nog from Davis's work in the Valley are the only funerary aims of king Ramesses V recognized. Everything else found in KV9 was developed for Ramesses VI. Ramesses V appears not only to have started the tomb but to have been entombed here in a bivalent burial with Ramesses VI. The date of Ramesses V's entombment (the place unluckily not specified), in Year two of his heir, is commemorated on an ostracon.

Plan of KV 57

The departs cut during the rules of both kings perhaps deemed a single entirely. The corridors are larger in breadth and height than those of Ramesses IV, but are without the stair-and-ramp conformation found in KV2. The passage H is unequaled in having a horizontal roof aggregated with a aslant floor, since here the stonemasons, abbreviating from top to bottom, had to bead the level to avoid KV12. The burial chamber itself isn't wholly ceased, evident also in the deficiency of any subsidiary rooms (although these are dropped in all succeeding royal graves) except for the abridged denotation beyond the sarcophagus hall.

Though well preserved, the colorized sunk alleviations are stylistically inferior to those of the antecedent 19th Dynasty. The decoration differs from the programme applied since the tomb of Sethos I, revealing the last major developmental modification to occur in the royal valley. A heavy stress is based on astronomical texts and representations. The god Ra inclines greater prominence, in the outer corridors the Book of Gates and the Book of Caverns substitute the Litany of Ra, and astronomical caps are found in apiece passage. The 3rd corridor and well room are decorated in as is manner, with the accession of excerpts from the Books of the Heavens, as is the first pillared hall which retains, however, the motif of the Osiris enshrine. Yet yet here the added to determine of Ra is seen. Yet even here the expanded influence of Ra is seen, therein Osiris is identified with the sun god through the accession of a solar disk and pecs. In the lower passages and antechamber, the ceilings show the Books of the Heavens and various cryptanalytic texts. The enactment walls show divisions from the Amduat; and the antechamber walls conniptions of gods and the Book of the Dead. On the walls of the burial chamber the Book of the Earth falls out for the first time, and here the astronomical ceiling aggregates images of the Books of the Heavens with the outstretched diurnal and nocturnal anatomies of the goddess Nut.

KV9, Tomb of Ramesses V and Ramesses VI

Headway of the single 'sarcophagus cavity' in the burying chamber floor by Edwin Brock in 1985 brought out that the abuts had been bring down, perhaps to conciliate the base of a granite outer sarcophagus box - no trace of which was found. The bare inner, anthropoidal sarcophagus of green accumulate had been smashed to pieces in antiquity, the better known of the fragments being the large face mask of Ramesses VI today in the British Museum; the chapeau and faces of the box were gently incised and calico with anatomies and texts first discovered in the sarcophagus Siptah - the Book of the Earth. The king may as well have had an anthropoidal inmost sarcophagus of calcite, but the fragmentises exposed by Brock are uninscribed and perhaps instrusive.

No sarcophagi are cognised for Ramesses V; any devised had possibly been arrogated by his heir. Other finds brought to light by Brock admitted pottery, fragmentises of wood and calcite shabtis - and a coin of the Emperor of Rome Maximian.

A unequaled account of a thievery from the tomb of Ramesses VI is conserved in the tomb looting document (updated) called Papyrus Mayer B. On the effrontery that this robbery actuated the visit recorded inthe graffito marked by Champollion on the ceiling of the burial chamber, Cyril Aldred indicated that the theft occurred before Year nine of Ramesses IX.

The mummies of both Pharaoh Ramesses V and Pharaoh Ramesses VI were attained in the KV35 cache in 1898. The mummy of Pharaoh Ramesses V consisted the basis of a white-painted wooden coffin and that of Ramesses VI in a alternate coffin in the first place belonging to a archpriest of Menkheperre called Ra. A fragment of wooden coffin, embellished in a similar mode to the trough of Ramesses III, was constitute with the mummy of Ramesses VI, even so, and may good have constituted part of the original burial gear. The mummy itself had apparently been accompanied to at the same time as that of Sethos II, because the right forearm and hand of this king had unknowingly been absorbed in with Ramesses VI's own gravely besmirched body.

- KV17, The Tomb Of Seti I. - KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb.
- KV 4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI).

KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI)

KV4 (Tomb of Ramesses XI) in Valley of the kings: Open as antiquity (though not now) and contains Demotic, Latin, Egyptian, Greek, Coptic and French and English graffito on the walls. Applied as a workshop on the twenty-first dynasty by Pinudjesm to strip the funerary gear from KV20 KV34 and VK38. when moving the mummies. Abidance and stable in the christian period. It was used as storage room by Carter and dining hall while he processed Tut-ankh-amun’s tomb.

Plan of KV4

Absolved in 1979 by John Romber and no evidence of flooding, there's a crack between the columns and roof – believably a result of the dessication of the limestone. An ancient amend was made to the entering, with many glows in place to abide the ceiling. There are big breaks in the upper walls of the corridor and the plaster has accrued.

KV4, The Tomb of Ramesses XI

Close royal tomb to be constructed in the valley of the kings. Differently, not so agitating. Corridor aided by by a steep coming down passage with a 2d and third corridor before the ritual well (unadorned and unfinished). Came after by a pillared hall and a incline to the bare burial chamber. The pillars inside the burial chamber are rectangular, not square and the ceiling is domed.

No roadblocks in the tomb, but many swivel holes for doors. Beam inside the burial chamber (14 x 10 foot) consecutive down besides the usual sarcophagus. Only medallions are on the door between the entrance and first corridor. The first corridor, plastered in yellow, has abstracts only (in red color, so no even out the “corrected” ones).

Pinudjem amended the tomb, and it was accepted he intended to be buried here. Intrusive particulars from his restoration and hiving up were ascertained. Points let in a blue faience vs with the Horus name of Tuthmosis and Ramesses II, gilded gesso from the coffin of Thuthmosis III, funerary statues of Tuthmosis III, breaks up of the coffin of Hatshepsut, and shabtis os Ramesses IV.

Intrusive burials, also, evidenced by the remains of a twenty-second dynasty coffin and bones of 3 bodies. They were ascertained in the beam of the burial chamber. Copts as well occupied the tomb.

- KV17, The Tomb Of Seti I.
- KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb.

KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb

KV57, The Tomb Of Horemheb has been folded to visitors for many years while undergoing refurbishment, after abiding water flood damage, which is now discharged. He was the close king of Dynasty 18.

The king who had assisted as a royal scribe and cosmopolitan in the courtrooms of Egyptian Pharaohs (Pharaoh Amenhotep IV (Akhenaten), Pharaoh Tutankhamun and Pharaoh Ay), constructed for himself a large tomb in the center of the Valley after getting king to put back his earlier tomb at Saqqarah. Unluckily his Theban tomb was bare at his death but is concerning in that it shows us a avid deal about the ways of medallion.

The entrance of KV57

The traditional stairses and descending enactments lead to a well-room (by shaft) adorned with aspects of the king prior to Anubis, Harsiesi and Isis, Hathor, the westerly goddess, and Osiris (by the left) and Horus, Osiris, Hathor, Anubis and Harsiesi (by the right). The walls are brilliantly colored on a grey blue backcloth.

Plan of KV57

The well-room chairs into a two-pillared anteroom, again with aspects of the king bidding to the assorted gods. A sunken stairs leads down by another coming corridor and staircase to a antechamber and it's here we start to see the changeover in style to the much bigger tombs of Dynasty 19.

The burial chamber is on a consecutive axis to the corridors and anterooms and is a big six-pillared sarcophagus antechamber with Horemheb’s red granite sarcophagus allay in place. The hall has the associate star-ceiling. The design boasts vary of earlier tombs with aslant from the first columns to the ‘crypt’ field down a flight of stairs and then a serial of 3 lower chambers (believably for depot) cut in arrears the burial chamber. The primary sarcophagus hall has the common four lateral annexes; the one at the western close has a beautiful picture of Osiris before a djed-pillar. The conniptions in the burial chamber are uncomplete and seem to have been broke up at assorted stages of work, a few areas displaying the gridirons, sketched-in anatomies and chastenings on the background of cataplasm. We also see the entry of painted engraved relief chipping at for the first time in a majestic Theban tomb. Another conception is the ‘Book of Gates’ (a regard to the ‘gates’ which apart the 12 hours of the night) which is described for the 1st time, but the final chipping at only accomplished in some localises. The uncomplete state of the burial chamber is instead a mystery since Horemheb dominated for twenty-eight years – ample time to accomplished a tomb.

Osiris in KV57

KV57 plan of chamber j and other

This tomb is often more concerning because of its bare condition. The anatomies depicted comprise the changeover from the late Amarna time period, which Horemheb tried to entirely wipe out, to the more conventional style of the Ramesside period, but more that they give us an brainstorm into the techniques and ways of design applied by the artists and artificers of Deir el-Medina on the New Kingdom.

The tomb of Horemheb (KV57) was formally afforded in April 2002 but seems to be all of the time closed. Tickets: You can get tickets for the Valley of the Kings which cost EGP eighty for three tombs and can be frequented the gate. Photography indoor the tombs is purely forbidden and can find heavy mulcts. There is a trifle train – the taftaf – that bleeds from the autobus park to the becharm to the monument field and prices cost EGP 2.

Related Posts:

KV17, The Tomb Of Seti I
KV1, The tomb of Ramesses VII
KV2, The tomb of Ramesses IV

KV17, The Tomb Of Seti I

Inward 1821 vast crews in London and Paris accompanied an exhibition of pictures copied from the tomb of Seti I. His tomb, which had been discovered 4 years before, received an enthusiastic response in Europe. So, exclude for the 1922 discovery of the tomb of king Tutankhamen and the 1995 discovery of KV5, no tomb in the Valley of the Kings was eternally in the public eyeball.

kv17 entrance

It isn't hard to understand why: the tomb was vast, totally decorated, beautifully conserved, and its discoverer, Giovanni Belzoni, published a becharming account of his act upon there. KV17 was the firstly tomb in the Valley of the Kings to be totally adorned; every wall and pillar from the entrance forward is covered with aspects from the Imydwat, the Litany of Ra, the Book of Gates, the Book of the Heavenly Cow, and the affording of the Mouth rite.

The work was exquisitely done, with complicate contingents in costumes and hairstyles, and the aspects are amid the best-preserved in the valley. Or instead, they were.Belzoni and additional visitors not just made water colour copies of the surrounds but took bosoms, adjuring wet paper against the relief carving, letting it dry, then pulling the third-dimensional copy off the walls. By nature, this besmirched the paint. Belzoni as well cleared the tomb becharm and absented natural barriers to water flooding. When a torrential pelting hit the valley briefly after the tomb was afforded, floodwaters decanted into the first a lot of chambers and did grievous harm. Some years later, a lot of pieces of wall medal were hacked out and taken to Europe—by Jean-François Champollion and Ippolito Rosellini. Many other visitors abided by suit. Clearing of the long passage that had been cut abstruse below the floor of the burial chamber, an functioning first tried a century ago and resumed in the 1950s by the descendants of a long-familiar tomb robber, created grievous structural troubles in the tomb that required adding up brickwork and steel to correct. A lot of projects have had to be undertaken in the last few decades to keep parts of the tomb from breaking. Recently, the tomb was folded to visitors so to make copious preservation studies, but these haven't been accomplished and no contrives have even been made to start the needed work. As a consequence, KV17 is likely to stay closed for the foreseeable future.

Corridor B A steep stairs leads down to the becharm of the tomb into corridor B. The surrounds of the corridor are adorned with the Litany of Ra, with a anatomy of the king abiding before Ra-Harakhty on the left wall, abided by by the “title page” of this text, shown here for the first time in a majestic tomb. This is accompanied by the text itself, along with 75 conjurations of the sun god. The text bears on on the right wall. The ceiling is adorned with birds whose heads are alternately marauders and snakes.

Part of kv17 plan

Chamber c. A big stairs was barge in the floor of stairwell C and large adjourns were cut in the walls above it. The Litany of Ra bears on, followed by the last division of the 3rd hour of the Imydwat. On the far side the adjourns, a figure of Isis kneelings below a accumbent Anubis jackal on the left wall. Nephthys is likewise posed on the right. Above the rear door is a figure of Ma’at and the cartouches of Seti I. In Corridor D, the 4th hour of the Imydwat appears on theright wall, the 5th hour on the left. Black ink abstracts mark the localisation of uncut recesses. A good deal on these walls has been gravely damaged, but when Belzoni first chaffered the tomb they were in most pristine circumstance.

Inside kv17

Chamber e, with a good shaft, 6.7 metres (22 feet) deep, is adorned at the top on the left face with a exclusive row of bods showing the king being chaired by Harsiese ahead Isis,bidding wine to Hathor, and abiding before Osiris and the Mistress of the West. In the aright half of the chamber, a inducted bod of Osiris is abided by by Anubis and Harsiese and additional aspects similar to those on the left. The rear wall of the chamber primitively was barred with rock and brick, then addressed with cataplasm and multicolor, evidently in an try to thwart tomb robbers. On the far side the well shaft, Chamber f is a fourpillared chamber whose surrounds are adorned with the fifth hour (on the left) and the 6th hour (on the right) of the Book of Gates. In the bluer register, the souls of the dead are united with their mummies, and these belong on by snakeshaped bed. In the upper register, all-powerful defenders keep the snake Apophis from doing damage to the sun god. At the left front recess of the chamber is a besmirched conniption that, a century agone, was wellpreserved and among the277 bottom centre the snake APOPHIS, from the book of the gates .most-admired aspects in the tomb, oftentimes copied and annotated upon. It displays a row of westerly Asiatics, Nubians, Libyans, and Egyptians, appareled in traditional costume and assuming traditional hairdos. The white background knowledge on these face walls counterpoints with the rear wall wherever, against a yellow background, Seti is conduced by Horus before a figure of Osiris who's inducted before Hathor. A small section of this scene has lately been cleaned as a test by curators and reveals how affectedthe pigments have been by dust and humidness over the last three millennia. Acting clockwise approximately pillar 1 (front left), we see the king abiding before Ptah and adopted by Harsiese, and so Anubis, so the Mistress of the West.

On pillar two (rear left), the king is adopted by Ra-Harakhty, Shu, Serqet, and Isis. Pillar 3 (front line right) shows the king before a god, then Hathor, Harsiese, and Anubis. Finally, pillar 4 (rear right) shows the king with Atum, Nephthys, Neith, and Ptah-Sokar. Side CHAMBER FA, the two-pillared chamber on the far side, has a lower floor than chamber F and was adorned just with figures and texts adumbrated in black ink. It isn't absolved why these walls weren't painted like all other aspects in the tomb. Some have evoked that the chamber’s bare state, the jog in the tomb axis, and the possible action of blotting out the succeeding stairs aggregated to provide yet additional way of converting tomb robbers they had reached a dead end. The scenes are taken from the ninth, tenth, and 11 hours of the Imydwat. The accomplishment of the artist is telling: lines aredrawn with long and confident strokes.


Annotation on the left surround the figures of those who have broke by submerging and therefore ask special assist to enter into the netherworld. On the columns the king is displayed with Nefertum, RaHarakhty, Ma’at, and Atum; and with Ma’at, Osiris, Hathor, and Sokar-Osiris. A decorated stairs leads belt down to corridors g and h. Its aspects are acquired from the affording of the Mouth rite and display priests executing the ceremonies. They are appareled in the leopard abrade costumes of Iwnmutef priests and stand earlier royal statues. Great attention was taken in the picture of the leopard skin and the leopard-head-shaped clasp. Note as well the unusual way the priest accommodates the paw of the leopard in his left. This is among the bestdrawn agencies of the affording of the Mouth ceremonial to be found in the Valley of the Kings, but a lot was demolished by 19th century visitors who chopped pieces aside for consignment to European collections. Chamber I, the chamber antecedent the burial chamber, was named the Hall of Beauties by Belzoni since of its exquisitely painted bods of the king and assorted deities. Unluckily, the bosoms made by 19th century visitors earnestly besmirched the paint and stained the walls. What one ascertains today is a bare apparition of what once had been a masterpiece. Even so, the quality of the relief chipping at can still be looked up to, especially contingents of faces and hieroglyphs. On the left side of the chamber, the king is displayed seven times, adopted by Hathor, abiding before Anubis, extending to Isis, abiding ahead Harsiese, bidding to Hathor, standing before Osiris, and with Ptah. The right side is similar, exclude at the far end, where the king stands before Nefertum.Seti’s Burial Chamber J has 2 parts, a front dispense with six columns and a rear dispense with a lowered floor on which the sarcophagus primitively sat beneath a spectacular vaulted cap. The pillars are besmirched: one of them is dropping; others were cut up and removed to museums in Europe. Originally, all of them showed the king with assorted gods, letting in Iwnmutef, Osiris, Khepri, Thoth, Harsiese, Ptah-Sokar, Geb, Anubis, Shu, Ra-Harakhty, and the souls of Pe and Nekhen. The latter three are coiffed along the chief tomb axis. The walls in the upper, pillared part arrest texts and scenes from the Book of Gates, the 2nd and 5th hours on the left side, the third on the right.unofficially surrounds of the lower. Domed depart of the chamber, flew figures of Isis and Nephthys kneeling. flanked by cartouches of Seti I. The Imydwat starts with the 1st hour on the left surround in both a long and an abridged version. The 2nd hour can be ascertained on the rear surround, the third on the right.The domed ceiling is among the most telling in the Valley of the Kings. It addresses with astronomic subjects, many of them becloud. A hippo and a crocodile near the midplane of the ceiling are configurations the Egyptians placed in the northerly sky. Face chambers off both the upper and lower departs of the burial chamber are beautified with the 4th hour of the Book of Gates. The 1st right chamber is the Book of the Heavenly Cow.

The left back chamber has 2 columns painted with builds of Osiris, and copious wall medal that admits the 7th by ninth hours of the Imydwat.In the lower depart of chamber J, a square cavity was entrenched the floor, and into its back wall quarriers cut a belittled doorway. It leads into a constrict, well-carved tunnel broadening at least 100 metres (325 feet) at a steep downwardly angle into the bedrock. When Belzoni entered the tomb, the tunnel was completely filled with compact detritus. It allay has been just partially dug up, so its elemental address is unknown. A few have carried the hope that burial chamber J Isn't actually the burial position of Seti I but a assumed chamber entailed to fool tomb robbers. The burrow, they claim, leads to the real burial localize deep inside the mountain, and is still filled up with treasure. This appears improbable. Most Egyptologists argue that the burrow was designated to join the burial of Seti I to well water, and was alike to what Seti I had acted in the Osireion at Abydos, wherever the burial of Osiris was symbolically conjoined to the aboriginal waters of conception.

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