King Khufu, called Cheops by the Greeks. His father is
Sneferu and his mother queen Hetepheres. Khufu had 15 daughters and 9 sons, one of them went the successor. He reigned 23 years, some scholars say that he reigned for a long time. The first see for Khufu reign was in the late of the nineteenth century. The new rediscover made by Dr. Hawas.
Khufu passed his chops into the afterward life by, during his rule of 2589-2566 BC, requiring the building of his pyramid. Slaves living in earnest towns nearby quarried limestone into 2 million stone blocks, most weighing about 500 lbs, some much heavier.
They slid these on parallel logs extended with
Nile River mud which go by the power of the floods, last up long ramps winding around the rising pyramids. Many slaves service the pharaoh and suffered bone damage and broken young. Construction took 20 years, making all year but particularly in the summer when the Nile River water flood and people power couldn’t form on fields, anyway. Some people think that there is a obscure or a treasure in
the pyramid of King Khufu.
The great pyramid of Giza |
From City of
Aswan, down the Nile 600 miles on vibrating reed came granite for Khufu’s burying chamber. In time, the emperor’s true cedar and hemp, ten-oared funeral barge, carved to resemble reed boats applied to transport on the Nile, held him to the pyramid while the pharaoh's body remained cooled with palm leaves.
Then his body was taken to the funeral in a boat-shaped sledge kept by many mourners to show the society’s great sadness at his death (excepting, no doubt, the dead slaves), king Khufu was sunk (no mummification—those techniques broken later) with a collection of food, furniture collection, servants and other objectives he might exact in an after life.
Finally, the people sunk his boat (sun boats) in the sand next to the pyramid to leave him to travel and have their journey by this boats to the future world in style.
Inside the great pyramid of Khufu |
This pyramid of Khufu, taking more stone than all the afterwards European cathedrals merged, stood there, already an ancient keepsake, for Abraham to see when he came, craving, to Egypt. By the time of his visit, Egyptians still buried their dead in pyramids. The pyramids of Giza is the symbol of the Egypt power, and there is more arcanums and discovers alone the pyramid.
If you are visit Egypt or guess to make Egypt pyramid tours and come at (Cairo), you can get any car (Taxi) or by Metro. Just if you are in Luxor city or Aswan city you can access to [Giza Egypt] where the pyramid found by air or by train. And finally there is a head and the answer be in the remarks. Is there any pottery tools found inside the great pyramid?
The Great Pyramid of Khufu:
The pyramid of King Khufu at Giza is constructed of limestone blocks of varying size. The lowest row of blocks have outer faces of 1.47 by 1.47 meters. Where the entire block is visible the astuteness is one and one half times the height. A limestone block of this size would weigh about 8,445 kg. (9.3 tons). The uppermost continuing row has blocks less than half a m tall and weighing approximately 22.2 kg (48.9 lbs). Estimates of the total number of blocks vary greatly. Anthony P. Sakovich has surveyed the evidence and built a computer model of the pyramid. He calculates the complete number of blocks at last to 4,000,000.1. The base field of the pyramid is 5.3067 hectares [13.113 acres].
There are close sockets marking the boxes of the pyramid. Since their uncovering by William Flinders Petrie, these sockets have been used by all credible researchers as the denotation points for measurement the lengths of the assumed lines of the pyramid. Petrie surveyed these lines in 1881 and a second view was done by J. H. Cole in 1925. The two surveys hold closely with one another. The table below applies Cole’s measurements of the length and the azimuth of every line.
The unit of measure that it is expected that the Egyptians used for this and other architectural sees was the royal cubit. Numerous cubit stays have been found in Egypt. Petrie reports an frequent length of 20.632 ± 0.004" (524.05 mm.). The royal cubit was spread into seven palms and each decoration was divided into four figures. There were thus 28 digits in a royal cubit.
Utilizing this unit of measure, it would look that the target dimensions of the pyramid were home lines of 440 cubits and a height of 280 cubits. The frequent of the lengths of the four base lines is 439.58 cubits. Alternatively, if we take the average length of the base lines to be precisely 440 cubits, the length of the cubit understood would be 523.55 mm., only one-half millimeter shorter than the average covered by Petrie.
The height is a projection since there are around 30’ free from the top of the pyramid. The designed height is 280.48 cubits (146.845 meters). Interior dimensions are likewise convenient integers when regenerate to cubits. The longest interior transition is 90 cubits long and the sepulture chamber is (20x10x11) cubits.
The Egyptians looked the slope of the side of a pyramid by a unit of measurement that they called the seked. It is complete from the Rhine Mathematical Papyrus example that follows that the Egyptians considered the seked a unit of length, not a ratio. The seked is the horizontal distance that must be offset for every straight cubit of elevation in order to maintain the intended slope of the pyramid. The seked is calculated as one-half of the base divided by the height of the pyramid. It is the same as what we would call the cotangent. The instance that follows is the translation of Trouble (56) from the Rhine Mathematical Papyrus.
Who built the great pyramid:
By Aliens:
The pyramids are so accurately straight with the points of the compass that only aliens could have reached this all those thousands of years late. The angle of the slope of the faces is so precise only aliens could achieve this. The blocks are so essential and the pyramid so tall only aliens could accomplish this. In the period 2500 BC man did not have the tools or cognition necessary to build the pyramids, so only strangers could have done it. How the aliens established the pyramids is not known, but they would have practiced the use of last construction equipment.
By men:
Never underestimate the ingenuity of man. We are today so used to using machinery to carry out about all our major construction work that we sometimes forget that machinery, in terms of historical events, is a very new development, its only been around a couple of hundred years or so. Mankind managed very well without it for some thousands of years. We have long forgotten the techniques that were applied in the building of the pyramids, but this doesn't mean that we are unable to shape out how it was done.
I see them as beehive in hustle |
In order to try and base who constructed the pyramids we have to examine the show that we have. We have only the pyramids themselves, the digging sites where the blocks were quarried from, and historical accounts.
Lets start with the excavation site. If like me, you have been there, you will know that it looks pretty much like any other pit you might see today, except there is plain no machinery. At the quarry face there are blocks dig the rock but not yet cut wide. There are rough hewn blocks scattered around ready for sending and on-site finishing. The entire pit shows obvious signs of systematic growth of cutting blocks out from the face and sending them from site. The rough hewn free standing bars show the marks of running chisel blows where they were chiseled out of the rock face. There is nothing in the manner of these blocks that is anything other than old fashioned quarry work utilizing a mallet and chisel. Nowhere is there any sign of advanced technology having been engaged, just the different. The blocks were hewn out of the rock-face by manual drive, the signs are clear. The chisels used were made of copper, the strongest metal then available, but even they were only good for about 100 bumps before numbing, even though limestone is comparatively soft and easy to work compared to hard rock such as granite. As the chisels were blunted they were replaced for re-sharpened ones, and the shape was persistent with a team of blacksmiths constantly re-sharpening and tempering the chisels.
The Egyptians, The Pyramids Builders |
How were the blocks sent to the pyramids? By man power. The vast legal age of the blocks weighed in the region of 2.5 tons and were transmitted on wooden sledges. They could of course have taken any size for the blocks, but this must have been the first size, any bigger would probably have slowed them down. A team of men with ropes could pull the sledge crossways the clay base, and this could be relieved with a little water tipped in front of the runners serving the sledge to slip easier. It is estimated that it may have taken 10 years just to build the ramp from the quarry to the pyramids. In this manner all the blocks could be transmitted to the site of the pyramid without confronting any insurmountable challenges. So far no alien technology required, it could all be done by well organised teams of men, and a great deal of manual labour. During the time of the yearly flooding of the Nile the stone blocks could have been floated to the site of the pyramids on rafts, making the task a lot easier.
The work pull was was not one of slaves , the Egyptians didn't take slaves. The Nile supplied a very fertile land where raising was relatively easy and food long. This civilisation had time on its hands, no curiosity they were such great mathematicians, stargazers and architects. The work force was mainly made up of farmers, recruited nationwide for a period leading from a few months to a few years, and they assisted their time for their king, much like service National Service today in the armed forces. A total of 20,000 to 30,000 workers would have been needed for the task, ranging from hard hauliers, semi-skilled pit men, skilled target men, masons who broken the blocks, men who placed the blocks, functionaries and caterers. A village was purpose built to house them all and they were well fed and cared for in return for their form. The remains of the village can still be discovered today.
Now for making the pyramids themselves. About 2,550 B.C., King Khufu, the second king of the dynasty 4, commissioned the making of his tomb at Giza. Great Egyptologists believe it took someplace in the region of 80 years to construct the pyramid. Having man-hauled the blocks to the site of the pyramid the plain problem now is how to lot them up. There are a number of ways this may have been achieved, all of which require a ramp, or a system of ramps, as the only method acting available to the ancient Egyptians was man-power, and they had that in abundance.
The actual method of ramps used is not experienced with any certainty, just it most likely started with a unique ramp by which means the blocks could be hauled into place. The blocks were laid down in layers, each successive layer being a little earlier in area than the one under it to give the pyramid its shape. As the blocks are layed onto a level surface, the same height as the ramp, no lifting was essential, only hauling of the sleds. Removing the blocks from the sleigh may have involved no more than heavy the block off the sledge. The entire pyramid could have been built using this simple system without a single block actually having to be raised off the ground! No alien technology required. Very smart people these Egyptians.
As each successive layer was laid the ramp would need be heightened, and far so as not to be too steep. Eventually this method would reach a limit where the size and building of the ramp would be nearly as complex as the pyramid. The easiest way around this problem is to trend the ramp about the pyramid as the pyramid inflated in height.
Finally, all that continued was the placing of the top stone, followed by the sending and fitting of the smooth white blocks. As the looking stones were placed so the ramp could be far as they worked their way back down. The pyramid required a certain amount of interior design and construction for the sepulture chambers, and this was no easy task. The blocks that maintained the burial chamber were 50 ton blocks of granite. Even with the huge teams of men at their disposecondal and a system of ropes and overseers guiding them, it would have been a difficult and dangerous task. There are still checks visible on the blocks and in the home of the pyramid that were applied to guide the blocks into position. Difficult yes, impossible no.
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