Nubian Tribute Presented to the King: Tomb of Huy
Tempera on paper
Twentieth Century; original New Kingdom
Dynasty 18
Reign of King Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV)–King Tutankhamun
A.D. 1923–27; original ca. 1353–1327 B.C.
Geography Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes
By the artist Charles K. Wilkinson (ca. 1923-1927)
Tempera on paper
Twentieth Century; original New Kingdom
Dynasty 18
Reign of King Akhenaten (Amenhotep IV)–King Tutankhamun
A.D. 1923–27; original ca. 1353–1327 B.C.
Geography Egypt, Upper Egypt, Thebes
By the artist Charles K. Wilkinson (ca. 1923-1927)