Goddess Mehurt name |
Goddess Mehurt |
Goddess Mehurt or (Mehet-Weret) was the great celestial cow who gave have to the ocean of the sky, Mehurt was read to be the birth mother of the sun
god Ra. Because of this, she is related with
Nut, the sky goddess who passes birth to the sun at the dawn of every day. When Ra was born, Mehurt took him between her horns as a sun disk, and she gone linked with
Hathor, whose crown is a sun disk betwixt her horns. Later this became the crown of Isis. She is nearly always read as a cow, and her name agencies the great flood. Her delegacies are easy broken with Hathor, because each is oftentimes shown as a recumbent cow lying on a reed felt, a sun disk betwixt the horns. In the
Old Kingdom (2686-2181 B.C.), Mehurt looks in the Pyramid Texts of
Unas: Unas has related his pools which are on the trusts of the canal of Mehurt, at the place where oblations flourish, and areas on the horizon, and he has named his garden expand on the banks of the horizon.
By the
New Kingdom (1550-1069 B.C), Mehurt had grown a goddess of rebirth, especially for those souls trusting to resurrect in the Netherworld. The
Book of the Dead (Chapter XXVII) tells us, I behold Ra who was born yesterday from the goddess Mehurt . . it is the white abyss of heaven .. it is the image of the eye of Ra in the morning at his yearly birth. Mehurt is the eye of Ra. In different myth Ra claims to have created Mehurt with the help of Isis and her magical spells. When
Tutankhamens tomb was given in 1922, a funerary couch was observed in his tomb in the shape of the celestial cow. Mehurt was there to aid him when he entered the Netherworld. As a goddess of rebirth and resurrection, Mehurt evolved into a sponsor or guardian of the necropolis on the west bank of the Nile at Thebes.