Showing posts with label Osireion. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Osireion. Show all posts


The  name  given  to  the  Cenotaph of  Seti i (r.  1306–1290  b.c.e.)  at  Abydos, erected  to  serve  as  his enormous  mortuary  temple  in  Osiris  holy  metropolis,  the  shape became unfinished at the time of Seti i’s death. his grand-son Merenptah (r.  1224–1214  b.c.e.)  completed  it  in  his honor,  and  the  temple  stands  as  a  awesome  example of Egyptian architectural and artistic advances. the custom  of  erecting  cenotaphs,  or  false,  secondary  tombs, in  the  holy  city  of  Abydos  dates  to  the  earliest  eras  on  the Nile. Seti i’s temple meditated this culture but added the factors of the artisans and builders of his era. the walls of this temple were blanketed with passages from the e-book of the lifeless, the  e-book  of  gates, astronomical  treatises, and other texts. a unique function of the Osireion became an island that became surrounded through canals that held the water. the  fake  sarcophagus of  the  pharaoh  rested  on  the island.

A portico opened onto a shrine, main to the first Hypostyle  hall  that  contained  12  pairs  of  papyrus columns  and  complex  and  beautiful  reliefs.  seven chapels had been additionally included in the layout and caused a 2nd  Hypostyle  corridor  that  had  reliefs  of  nome  standards. the  gods  commemorated  in  this  section  encompass  Ptah,  Ré-harakhte, Amun, Osiris, Isis, Horus, and Ptah-sokar. an Osirian chapel results in a Cultic ceremonial hall with  chambers. the gallery of the king lists is on this phase, alongside  a  hall  of  bulls,  and  a  shrine  for  a  Sokar boat. the authentic shrine at the web page turned into probable erected inside the antique nation (2575–2134 b.c.e.). Seti i’s structure, constructed on the inspiration, turned into made out of quartzite, sandstone, and granite. Merenptah (1224–1214 b.c.e.) brought an extended passage, embellished with scenes from the book of the dead.
