Old Kingdom is most commonly regarded as spanning the period of time when Egypt was ruled by the 3rd Dynasty complete to the Sixth Dynasty (2686 BC – 2134 BC). The royal capital of Egypt in the Old Kingdom was placed at Memphis, where Djoser established his court. The Old Kingdom is perhaps best knew, however, for the large number of pyramids, which were built at this time as pharaonic burial places. For this reason, the Old Kingdom is oftentimes referred to as (the Age of the Pyramids Builders). The first known pharaoh of the Old Kingdom was Djoser (2630–2611 BC) of the Third Dynasty, who placed the construction of a pyramid (the Step Pyramid) in Memphis' necropolis, Sakkara. It was in this era that formerly independent ancient Egyptian states got known as nomes, ruled alone by the pharaoh. Later the former swayer were forced to accept the role of regulators or different work in tax collecting. Egyptians in this era worshiped their pharaoh as a god, believing that he ensured the annual flooding of the Nile that was essential for their crops.
Old Kingdom and its royal power made their zenith below the Fourth Dynasty. Sneferu, the dynasty's yield, is believed to have approved at least 3 pyramids; piece his son and successor Khufu erected the Great Pyramid of Giza, Sneferu had more stone and brick went than any other pharaoh. King Khufu (Greek Cheops), his son Khafra (Greek Chephren), and his grandson Menkaura (Greek Mycerinus), all reached long fame in the building of their pyramids. To direct and feed the manpower needed to create these pyramids required a concentrated government with big powers, and Egyptologists believe the Old Kingdom at this time established this level of sophistication. Recent digs near the pyramids led by Mark Lehner have exposed a large city which appears to have put up, fed and provided the pyramid workers. Although it was once believed that slaves constructed these monuments, a theory based on the biblical Exodus account, study of the tombs of the workmen, who oversaw structure on the pyramids, has showed they were built by a corvée of peasants got from across Egypt. They apparently worked while the yearly Nile flood reported their fields, also as a very big crowd of specialists, including stone cutters, painters, mathematicians and priests. The Fifth Dynasty started with Userkhaf (2465–2458 BC), who initiated reforms that vulnerable the central governing. After his rule civil wars arose as the powerful nomarchs (regional governors) no more belonged to the royal family. The worsening civil conflict sabotaged unity and physical government and also caused famines. The final blow came when a severe drought in the region that resulted in a drastic drop in hurry between 2200 and 2150 BC, which in turn prevented the rule flooding of the Nile. The result was the give of the Old Kingdom observed by decades of famine and strife.
Old Kingdom and its royal power made their zenith below the Fourth Dynasty. Sneferu, the dynasty's yield, is believed to have approved at least 3 pyramids; piece his son and successor Khufu erected the Great Pyramid of Giza, Sneferu had more stone and brick went than any other pharaoh. King Khufu (Greek Cheops), his son Khafra (Greek Chephren), and his grandson Menkaura (Greek Mycerinus), all reached long fame in the building of their pyramids. To direct and feed the manpower needed to create these pyramids required a concentrated government with big powers, and Egyptologists believe the Old Kingdom at this time established this level of sophistication. Recent digs near the pyramids led by Mark Lehner have exposed a large city which appears to have put up, fed and provided the pyramid workers. Although it was once believed that slaves constructed these monuments, a theory based on the biblical Exodus account, study of the tombs of the workmen, who oversaw structure on the pyramids, has showed they were built by a corvée of peasants got from across Egypt. They apparently worked while the yearly Nile flood reported their fields, also as a very big crowd of specialists, including stone cutters, painters, mathematicians and priests. The Fifth Dynasty started with Userkhaf (2465–2458 BC), who initiated reforms that vulnerable the central governing. After his rule civil wars arose as the powerful nomarchs (regional governors) no more belonged to the royal family. The worsening civil conflict sabotaged unity and physical government and also caused famines. The final blow came when a severe drought in the region that resulted in a drastic drop in hurry between 2200 and 2150 BC, which in turn prevented the rule flooding of the Nile. The result was the give of the Old Kingdom observed by decades of famine and strife.