Inside the Tomb of Userhat |
Userhat held distinct titles during the reign of
Amenhotep II of
18th Dynasty. His titles, rendered on his funerary monument, include "royal scribe", Overseer and Scribe of the Cattle of Amen", Bread counting scribe in
Upper and
Lower Egypt", and "deputy Herald". He was also referred to as a "child of the royal nursery, proposing that he was referred in the royal court as one of the associates of the royal children and was a close friend of the king in adulthood. His most outstanding title was 'Scribe who counts clams in Upper and Lower Egypt'. His wife was a lady described Mutneferet, who took the title of "royal grace". The tomb of Userhat (tomb TT56) can be got in the village region of Sheikh 'Abd el-Qurna, south of the tomb of
Ramose (TT55).
The Tomb
(TT56) is settled in Sheikh Abd el-Qurna. It processes part of the Theban Necropolis, settled on the west bank of the Nile distinct Luxor. The tomb is the burial set of the Ancient Egyptian official, Userhat who was the Royal Scribe, Child of the Royal Nursery, through the 18th dynasty Amenhotep II, and his wife Mutnefret. TT56 is one of the best preserved Theban aristocracy tombs from Western Thebes and its reliefs boast many deep and brightly painted scenes portraying the deceased Userhat and Mutnefret taking gifts and nowadays in the hereafter.
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